Viktor Orban Launches Best Hat Contest

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban kicked off a hat beauty contest on his Tik-Tok page by posting photos taken at Tusvanyos, the Balvanyos Summer Free University in Baile Tusnad where an estimated tens of thousands of people participated. Right-wing festivals are increasingly popular among young people. A few days ago, the MCC Festival in Esztergom, which attracted nearly 50,000 visitors, ended and this year's Tranzit festival will start soon.

2024. 08. 08. 15:56
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban tries on the hussar hat he received upon arriving in Baile Tusnad, for the 2024 Balvanyos Summer Free University Camp (Tusvanyos) (Source: Viktor Orban's Facebook page)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Which would you choose?" Viktor Orban asks in a Tik-Tok post showing photos of hats worn at the recent Tusvanyos festival and camp. In a separate post about the event, the festival venue in Baile Tusnad, Transylvania is featured.



Tusvanyos atmosphere is difficult to put into words

This year marked the 33rd annual Balvanyos Summer Free University, where it has become a tradition for Prime Minister Viktor Orban to deliver a powerful speech that captures the attention of the whole world. As Magyar Nemzet reported, Tusvanyos is a place where everyone can feel free in an atmosphere so unique that it is almost indescribable in other languages.

It's a place where you can bump into and chat with many well-known politicians, athletes, musicians, influencers and public figures in attendance.

By day the Balvanyos Summer Free University and Student Camp offered visitors a variety of gastronomic experiences, as well as presentations on top league sports, culture and world politics, and meetings with well-known public figures. In the evening, popular Hungarian performers such as

  • Fero Nagy and Beatrice,
  • Jozsef Kalapacs,
  • Joe Rudan,
  • Miklos Varga

take to the main stage.

Right-wing festivals are becoming increasingly popular

As we wrote earlier, right-wing festivals are becoming increasingly popular among young people. The MCC Festival in Esztergom, which attracted nearly 50,000 visitors, just ended a few days ago, and this year's Tranzit festival is about to start soon.

As has become customary, the political event from August 22-25 will take place in Tihany, with the festival again featuring presentations, discussions and debates from the representatives of political parties, experts and journalists.

Magyar Nemzet regularly follows the event, which attracts a lot of attention every year. The most memorable part of last year's Tranzit Festival was the discussion in which Viktor Orban responded to questions.

The prime minister said that Hungarians do not need to explain themselves, and that it is a European phenomenon to have a political party in government with a majority for a long time.

"People who are basically like-minded, but still have differing thoughts about specific topics, can talk to each other and compare their opinions," said former Government Spokesperson Alexandra Szentkiralyi, who says that Tranzit is a great community and an alliance. It's a place where you can gain a wider perspective on issues. It's a stable point I look forward to each year," she added.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban tries on the hussar hat he received upon arriving in Baile Tusnad, for the 2024 Balvanyos Summer Free University Camp (Tusvanyos) (Source: Viktor Orban's Facebook page)



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