Peter Magyar Lies About Migrant Camp Being Underway + Video

The government commissioner reveals why the former dairy school needs to be renovated.

2024. 09. 15. 12:36
Source: Facebook
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A few days ago, the village names of Vitnyed and Csermajor, near the Austrian border, went viral almost all over Hungary after renovation work began on the former dairy school in the area. Because of the works, opposition politicians and left-wing media outlets immediately started scaremongering, with political fortune-hunters, including Peter Magyar, fueling people's sentiments for days, Alpar Gyoparos pointed out in his new video.

The government commissioner for the development of modern settlements recalled that Prime Minister Viktor Orban personally confirmed that there will be no migrant camp in Vitnyed-Chermajor.

Peter Magyar is simply lying, inciting and fear-mongering. He is speaking out against the very thing he supports in Brussels,

the government commissioner noted. Alpar Gyoparos also disclosed that refugees from Ukraine had illegally occupied the buildings under renovation, completely ruining them, and therefore they need to be repaired.

We don't want refugee camps, we don't want illegal migration,

the politician stressed, underscoring that the government's position will remain unchanged.

Cover photo: The building under renovation (Source: Facebook)

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