PM Orban: We're Over the Brunt of It, Pressure Is Subsiding

Flood Info session

2024. 09. 23. 12:24
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives update in a Flood Info press conference on September 23, 2004 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"We're nearing the tail end", Viktor Orban said at the flood information press conference, Monday morning. The Hungarian prime minister said that the flood is expected to peak in Baja at noon, and that the normalization of river water levels in the norther part of the country was happening more rapidly than originally forecast.

"In Budapest the Danube level is already at a 74-centimeter drop," he said. The PM stated that the area of level three alert has shrunk to 223 kilometers, giving every reason to look forward to the upcoming days with optimism.

"Some things are good when they are over, and flooding is certainly one of them." 

The PM also said that while on Saturday a 755-kilometer stretch had to be protected, yesterday that decreased to only 706 kilometers, and that the section still under level three flood alert had been reduced.

"Everything points to Hungary being over the brunt of the flood. The pressure hasn't ceased, but has subsided, and this is also reflected in the number of people still involved in the protection operation, with currently 560 fewer people working along with a smaller number of volunteers," the prime minister said.

"Most settlements are in order, in Pilismarot we are protecting 3300 meters, six hundred-meter protection works are in order in Kismaros, Budapest and Margaret Island are in order. Water level is subsiding in Kisapostag, Madocsa and Paks are in order. At Bata, water has broken through onto an access road, but we are protecting the properties. In Baja there are 2700 meters of protection line, at 100% readiness, thanks also to the volunteers. In Dunaujvaros there is a used oil spill, but we are keeping it under control, while in Csepel an illegal landfill is in trouble, but we holding the levees here too. The owner is currently being detained, and will be prosecuted," he said.


PM Orban: Soon we can breathe a sigh of relief

In one and a half to two days the country can breathe a sigh of relief, the PM said.

In response to a press question on the flood protection, the prime minister said that the outcome speaks for itself, as we have managed to keep the Danube in the riverbed. He indicated that the opening of the temporary reservoir on the Lajta (Leitha) has helped in overcoming the difficulties.

"When there's trouble, the Hungarians can protect their settlements. I can only speak accolades about the cooperation of those involved in the defense operations," he added. In response to another question, the politician said that there would similarly be no problems with the public health situation.

On the flood related costs, the PM said that in 2013, the cost of protection was 19.6 billion forints (nearly 50 million euros), with 18 billion forints (over 45.6 million euros) going to the water management sector, while this year, five billion forints (about 12.67 million euros) should cover it.


On the illegal landfill in Csepel, he said that we need to get to the root of the problem, pinpointing why there are illegal garbage dumps. "The system is complicated because the owner of the land is supposed to remove the rubbish, which hasn't been happening. Therefore the state is to do it and submit the bill," he said.

"Babbling is not my bread and butter, there is one permanent place for debates, and that is the Parliament. Debates outside the Parliament have their place and time, but this is not the time," he said in response to a press question about whether he would debate with Peter Magyar.


Hungary vs Danube floods: 1-0

In response to a journalist's question, Viktor Orban said that the battle against the flood had been won and that there was no reason for criticism of his ministers. He said Hungary was currently leading 1 to 0 against the Danube floods, but the match hasn't ended yet and surprises could happen even after the 90th minute of the game.

At the same time, the PM noted that when the flooding has subsided, there will be a meeting to evaluate the operation and to compile what to look out for next time and where permanent protection works are needed, and at the very end there will be a celebration for those who participated in the protection effort.

No flood-related permanent damage

Bence Retvari said that 95 pumps are still working in the protection areas and several road sections are still closed. Kisoroszi is still closed off, last time a six-year-old girl had to be rescued from the island.

The state secretary said that monitoring the quality of the drinking water supply has been stepped up,

At Dunabogdany, drinking water is being shipped in.

Local governments were provided guidelines on how to handle sandbags, as well as on the various tasks to ensure sanitation and public health.

The politician also provided an overview of the international situation, flood derived losses in Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Italy, evacuations, looting, public transport shut down - a disaster of this magnitude avoided Hungary.

Istvan Lang, director general of the National Water Directorate (OVF), said that the level three alert will be lifted after Tuesday, and in response to a journalist's question, he said that the flooding did not cause any permanent damage to infrastructure anywhere in the country.

At the end of the briefing, Government Spokeswoman Eszter Vitalyos said that thanks to a massive community effort in the Danube Bend, several settlements had been protected from the flood, and that the main road, route 11 had been saved.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban updates journalists and the public in a Flood Info press conference on September 23, 2004 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)


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