Finance Minister: Some Good News for This Weekend, Too + Video

In the past four days, two credit rating agencies have assessed Hungary’s economy.

2024. 10. 26. 10:39
Hungarian Finance Minister Mihaly Varga (Source: Facebook/Mihaly Varga)
Hungarian Finance Minister Mihaly Varga (Source: Facebook/Mihaly Varga)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– “We have some good news for this weekend, too: over the past four days, two credit rating agencies have assessed the Hungarian economy: first, a Japanese agency, and now Standard & Poor’s, which has reaffirmed Hungary’s investment-grade rating," Finance Minister Mihaly Varga said, sharing a post on his Facebook page Friday evening, 

The finance minister emphasized that Standard & Poor’s report also confirms that next year, due to rebounding consumer spending and stronger investments, Hungary’s economy will shift toward a path of robust growth. The report projects economic growth of 1.6% for this year and 3% for next year. It further highlights that Hungary's banking system remains stable, and that reducing the budget deficit serves to create more room - fiscal and financial room - for economic growth, according to a release by Hungary's state news agency.

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, close to 20 credit rating reports have been issued on Hungary, all of which concluded that the Hungarian economy is resilient, meets growth conditions, and holds investment-grade status.

– "So it's a significant achievement that - following the ratings and assessments - Hungary’s economy this year and next is on track to return to the sustainable growth path it held before COVID,” the finance minister added.


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