Tamas Deutsch: Laws Apply to Everyone, Including Peter Magyar

Immunity is not meant to allow anyone to avoid prosecution for a criminal offense.The laws should apply to everyone, including Peter Magyar, Tamas Deutsch pointed out.

2025. 01. 23. 11:21
Peter Magyar, leader of the Tisza Party (left), and Manfred Weber, president of the European People's Party (Photo: AFP)
Peter Magyar, leader of the Tisza Party (left), and Manfred Weber, president of the European People's Party (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs will begin hearing Peter Magyar's immunity case today, Tamas Deutsch, MEP of Fidesz, posted social media, adding that the prosecutor's office requested the suspension of the immunity of the Tisza Party's president for the crime of theft.

Deutsch Tamás, a Fidesz-KDNP EP-képviselőcsoportjának vezetője sajtótájékoztatót tart Strasbourgban 2024. december 18-án (Fotó: MTI/Bodnár Boglárka)
Tamas Deutsch, EP group leader of the Fidesz and Christian Democrats, holds a press conference in Strasbourg on December 18, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)

Based on the findings of the ongoing investigation and the information that has come to light so far, Peter Magyar was partying in a drunken state in a Budapest nigthclub in the early hours of June 21, 2024. As he was behaving in a scandalous manner, the nightclub's security guards were forced to lead him out by choke hold, the MEP explained.

In the nightclub, the victim of the criminal case, among others, filmed the MEP on his mobile phone. After Peter Magyar and one of his companions noticed that the victim was filming, they got into an argument with him. During the squabble, Peter Magyar snatched the phone from the victim's hand and put it in his pocket. He did not return the phone even after repeated requests from the victim, denying that he had it. After being led out of the nightclub, he headed towards the Danube River, followed by several others, including the victim.

The MEP walked directly to the river bank and deliberately dropped the phone into the Danube. According to the prosecutor's office, this conduct constitutes the crime of theft," wrote Tamas Deutsch in his post.

In response to the prosecution's request, Peter Magyar, who had earlier campaigned for the abolition of immunity, announced last fall that he would not waive his immunity. Thus, the European Parliament must decide on its suspension,

Tamas Deutsch underlined.

The laws apply to everyone, Tamas Deutsch says

Since then, the president of the Tisza Party has been trying to avoid prosecution for the criminal offense he committed. He is therefore using all the means at his disposal to ensure that his immunity case in the EP is delayed as long as possible, so that he can avoid criminal prosecution by hiding behind his immunity.

Mr Magyar, the laws apply to everyone, including you,

the MEP wrote, concluding his post.

Cover photo: Peter Magyar, leader of the Tisza Party (left), and Manfred Weber, president of the European People's Party (Photo: AFP)

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