Tamas Lanczi: Pressman's Weapon Backfires + Video

The president of the Sovereignty Protection Office believes the political intent is evident.

2025. 01. 10. 15:12
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Over the past three years, David Pressman has done everything possible to worsen Hungary-US relations. It is clear that he did not represent the people and interests of the United States, but rather partisan political interests. He acted as a political activist, a vanguard of the Democratic Party, which suffered a catastrophic defeat last November," the president of the Sovereignty Protection Office explained on Hir TV's current affairs program, speaking about the US decision to include Antal Rogan, the minister leading the Hungarian Cabinet Office, on a sanctions list, as reported by the Mandiner news portal.

In Tamas Lanczi's view, it is obvious that Pressman is behind the move, as it is inconceivable that the Democratic administration would be focusing on Hungary less than two weeks before its departure. If such steps were planned, there had been plenty of opportunities to find a pretext over the past three years.

The goal is to punish the Hungarian government, and this is no different from what the ambassador, his paid political activists, and pressure groups have been doing in recent years,

said the president of the Sovereignty Protection Office.

He recalled that just a few weeks ago,outgoing President Joe Biden pardoned his son in a criminal case. "There is no moral, political or legal basis for an employee of this administration to interfere in Hungary's affairs," Lanci stressed, adding that the sanctioning of the cabinet minister will only

strengthen the relationship between Viktor Orban and Donald Trump, and Hungary-US relations

Regarding the information that the decision was based on Transparency International's corruption index, Lanczi said his office conducted an investigation that factually concluded Transparency uses a false, manipulative index that is good for anything but measuring corruption.

Borítókép: Cover photo: Tamas Lanczi, head of the  Sovereignty Protection Office (Photo: Mate Bach)

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