PM Orban: Brussels Won't Escape the Trump Tornado, Hungary Will Secure a Good Deal

Hungary will reach a good agreement with the new U.S. administration. According to Viktor Orban, "everything the Brussels bureaucrats have tried to force down our throats in recent years is now over."

2025. 02. 04. 9:04
PM Viktor Orban of Hungary (center) and Belgian Prime Minister Bart de Wever at the one-day informal EU summit on European defense capabilities at the Egmont Palace in Brussels on February 3, 2025. (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)
PM Viktor Orban of Hungary (center) and Belgian Prime Minister Bart de Wever at the one-day informal EU summit on European defense capabilities at the Egmont Palace in Brussels on February 3, 2025. (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Since the inauguration of President Donald Trump, the first European Union summit was held in Brussels yesterday. It was a peculiar gathering. Viktor Orban wrote on his social media.

The prime minister emphsized:

In Brussels, everyone sees that the Trump tornado is coming, but most still believe that they can escape it. They won't.

Mr. Orban emphasized: "In just 14 days, Donald Trump has already turned the world upside down with a few measures. In America, the gender craze is over, the funding of globalist Soros organizations is over, illegal migration is over, and support for the Russia-Ukraine war is over."

In other words: everything the Brussels bureaucrats have tried to force down our throats in recent years is over,

– he declared. "But there is more," he added. "We can also say goodbye to the trade rules we have known until now. President Trump will stand up for American interests, even against Europe. The European Union is facing difficult months, and the Brussels bureaucrats are in for some tough times," he emphasized.

We need to reach an agreement—a deal—to maintain our economic relations with the United States. And only those who not only know but also respect each other can secure a truly good deal,

– PM Orban underscored. 

"We have always known that President Trump would return, so we prepared. We are in continuous negotiations, and we will secure a good deal with the new U.S. administration," Hungary's prime minister concluded. He added:

And those in Brussels can eat what they've cooked!

Cover photo: The photo from the Prime Minister’s Press Office shows Viktor Orban of Hungary (center) and Belgian Prime Minister Bart de Wever at the one-day informal EU summit on European defense capabilities at the Egmont Palace in Brussels on February 3, 2025. (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)

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