PM Orban: No Preconditions for Ukraine's EU Membership Have Been Met, So It Is Out of the Question

As the opening event of the spring parliamentary session, the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) alliance held its off-site faction meeting in Balatonfured. According to information obtained by Magyar Nemzet, Prime Minister Viktor Orban focused his closed-door speech on the new international situation that has emerged with Donald Trump’s return to power.

2025. 02. 19. 12:29
PM Viktor Orban at the off-site Fidesz-KDNP faction meeting in Balatonfured (Photo: PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to our sources, PM Viktor Orban began his assessment of the current situation for lawmakers by stating that with Donald Trump’s inauguration, the representatives of the globalist liberal ideology have lost the capital of the most powerful Western nation. “A government that embraces national thinking, opposes immigration, and promotes traditional family values instead of gender ideology has taken power in Washington. This administration is friendly to Hungary and treats us as a partner,” PM Orban emphasized. “This enables us to act boldly and think big. For the past fifteen years, we have been battling headwinds; now, at last, we can enjoy the tailwind."

Arriving at the off-site faction meeting, PM Orban was welcomed by Fidesz's parliamentary group leader Mate Kocsis (Photo: PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)

The Soros network has lost Washington. The new administration has begun dismantling the network, which means the flow of dollars is over. From now on, Soros and his allies can only count on Brussels and European taxpayers’ money,

–  said Mr. Orban, the president of Fidesz.

PM Orban warned the delegates that the ideology that has been defeated in Washington still dominates Brussels.

There, Hungary is treated as an enemy, so our country's real political adversaries are in Brussels. They want to overthrow the national government and install a puppet administration that dictates what we Hungarians can and cannot do. They are the Empire, and we are the rebels who will prevent them from succeeding,

– the prime minister stressed. Moreover, he added, “we will join forces with like-minded people in Europe and America, and after Washington, we will aim to also occupy Brussels.

The off-site faction meeting of Hungary's ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) party alliance (Photo: PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)

Sources close to Magyar Nemzet indicate that Viktor Orban then outlined demands from Brussels that the national government refuses to comply with.

Brussels is unfairly punishing Hungary with a one-million-euro fine because we refuse to allow in migrants. They want us to revoke our Child Protection Law, and they want to abolish our utility price reduction scheme,

– he stated.

And the list did not end there. PM Orban also mentioned that Brussels aims to eliminate retirees' 13th-month bonus pension. However, he emphasized that the government would not meet these demands, in line with the will of most Hungarian people.

A key part of PM Orban's assessment focused on the dangers posed by Ukraine’s EU membership. “If they push this through,” he warned, “Hungarian farmers will lose their area-based subsidies, and this money will be redirected to Ukraine.”

The Americans are withdrawing from financing Ukraine, and Brussels wants to make Europeans - among them, us Hungarians - foot the bill. There is already a proposal on the table that we, Hungarians, should contribute 200 billion forints per year to Ukraine,

– Mr. Orban cautioned. He declared that, so far, none of the preconditions for Ukraine’s EU membership have been met, so it's out of the question.

Trump and Musk have exposed the political corruption network of Soros and the Democrats, who have funneled billions of dollars to media outlets and international organizations, including in Hungary,

– Mr. Orban said. “But they will no longer be able to fund their mercenaries in Hungary with rolling dollars. Political corruption is when someone is paid to write and say what they are told. At this point, Viktor Orban called on the delegates to pass strict laws banning those who have benefited from these funds from entering Hungary.

The year of breakthroughs

In his speech, the prime minister called on lawmakers to fight: “The Empire has lost a battle in Washington, and it is losing the war. In 2026, they will try to strike back here. They have recruited new soldiers and are coming with a new army. We must be ready, and we must win. This year will be the year of breakthroughs,” he declared.

PM Orban concluded his assessment of the new international situation by addressing the issue of war. “President Trump has made it clear that he wants peace. Peace negotiations have already begun between the two great powers, and Europe has been left out,” he stated.

Hungary, as it has always done, supports a ceasefire and peace. Peace can only benefit us - energy prices will drop, trade will revive, and the economy will strengthen,

– he said.

Closing his speech, Viktor Orban spoke about who they are, and who their adversaries are.

– “We are the ones resisting the Empire, fighting for the Hungarian people so that Brussels cannot impose its will upon us. The Empire wants us because multinational corporations, energy giants, and foreign banks want to extract as much profit as possible from Hungary. These companies could still make money here, something that we've prevented in the interest of the Hungarian people. But if they return, Hungarian families would have to pay the price - in higher utility costs, reduced public safety, and job losses. The danger is real, and we must take it seriously,” PM Orban warned.

Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban at the off-site Fidesz-KDNP faction meeting in Balatonfured (Photo: PM's Press Office / Zoltan Fischer)


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