Gyorgy Nogradi: Zelensky, Inner Circle Less Interested in Ending the War

U.S.-Russia negotiations are set to take place following Ukraine’s agreement to a 30-day ceasefire. However, the demands put forward by Kyiv are unacceptable to Moscow. Despite the success of this round of talks, Gyorgy Nogradi, a security policy expert, told Magyar Nemzet that President Volodymyr Zelensky has no real interest in ending the war swiftly.

2025. 03. 12. 12:07
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (center left) is welcomed by Saudi Prince Saud bin Mishal bin Abdulaziz (center right) upon his arrival in Jeddah for talks between Ukrainian and U.S. officials. (Photo: AFP / Ukrainian Presidential Press Office)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At yesterday’s negotiations, the United States and Ukraine reached an agreement outlining a 30-day ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia.

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio (second from left), US National Security Advisor Mike Waltz (left), Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Shibiha (second from right), and Andriy Yermak, head of the Ukrainian Presidential Administration (right), held talks in Jeddah (Photo: AFP/Saul Loeb)

We are ready for this step.

Although Ukrainian President Zelensky did not personally attend the talks, he accepted the terms, putting the ball in Russia's court. However, some Ukrainian demands remain unacceptable to Moscow.

According to Gyorgy Nogradi, among Ukraine’s demands were the mutual release of prisoners of war and the return of abducted children.

Gyorgy Nogradi, security policy expert (Forrás: Facebook/Gyorgy Nogradi)

Ukraine also seeks to involve European nations in the peace negotiations, aiming to have additional support not only against Russia but also in discussions with the U.S. Andriy Yermak requested new sanctions be placed on Russia and proposed that frozen Russian assets in Western Europe be seized and handed over to Ukraine. These points are clearly unacceptable to Moscow.

The security expert pointed out that U.S.-Russia negotiations have been ongoing behind the scenes for weeks, covering issues beyond Ukraine’s future.

Recently, the UN Security Council convened at the request of both Russia and the U.S. to discuss Syria, signaling that the major powers may be making decisions over Ukraine’s head. Meanwhile, Europe is increasing its military capabilities—Poland is organizing a massive army and withdrawing from agreements prohibiting the use of cluster bombs. The West continues to fully support Ukraine, which has already decided to procure 4.5 million drones by 2025—hardly an indication that it is preparing for the end of the war,

the expert pointed out.

The FBI has already started investigating how much of the U.S. aid money sent since the start of the war may have been stolen. Given this, it is uncertain whether Zelensky and his inner circle are truly interested in ending the war,

Nogradi concluded.

Moscow Remains Cautious

U.S. President Donald Trump has indicated that Washington is planning a meeting with the Russian leadership. Trump announced that he intends to have a phone conversation with Putin as soon as possible to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry Press Department Director (Photo: Anadolu/AFP/Sefa Karacan)

Russia's Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maria Zakharova has also not ruled out the possibility of an upcoming U.S.-Russia meeting.

Cover image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (center left) is welcomed by Saudi Prince Saud bin Mishal bin Abdulaziz (center right) upon his arrival in Jeddah for talks between Ukrainian and U.S. officials. (Photo: AFP / Ukrainian Presidential Press Office)


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