Hungary's USAID Government Commissioner in U.S. to Uncover Hungarian Part of Corruption Network

Hungary is an important ally of the United States in exposing the left-wing corruption system, the Hungarian government commissioner posted on social media.

2025. 03. 05. 17:13
Andras Laszlo, Hungary's USAID government commissioner (Source: Facebook/Andras Laszlo)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Today, I held discussions at the U.S. State Department regarding the investigation into the USAID corruption scandal,

the government commissioner wrote on his social media page.

Peter Marocco, director of the Office of Foreign Assistance, stated that President Donald  Trump has given USAID a 90-day period for a complete review, meaning that by April 20, all documents will be made public. He promised full transparency not only regarding Hungary but for all USAID projects, Andras Laszlo said.

 I informed him that, the spending on – so far exposed – interventions in Hungary over the past four years was, to our knowledge, at least 20.2 million dollars (nearly eight billion forints), and in preparation for next year's elections, I want to get to the bottom of these interventions as soon as possible so that we can take the necessary measures to protect Hungary's sovereignty,

the politician explained, adding that he requested and offered cooperation to expose the left-wing corruption network, which was welcomed. The American side also acknowledged that political interference in an important allied country like Hungary is unworthy, must end, and the will of the voters must be respected. In contrast, the left-wing government built a global corruption network and used it to promote globalist agendas, disregarding the will of voters and public opinion.

Regarding corruption cases in Hungary, I handed over several questions, which we will discuss soon,

Andras Laszlo concluded his post.

Cover photo: Andras Laszlo, Hungary's USAID government commissioner (Source: Facebook/Andras Laszlo)

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