Orban-Macron Meeting: Extremely Significant

Two completely different viewpoints on the war clashed in Paris last night, political analyst Daniel Deak pointed out. While strengthening European defense policy has often been discussed, actions had as yet never been taken. Uncertainty remains as to whether a breakthrough will happen this time, Deak added.

2025. 03. 06. 16:57
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban and France's President Emmanuel Macron (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

That French President Emmanuel Macron received Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as his last guest ahead of today’s extraordinary European Union summit, Daniel Deak told Magyar Nemzet, underscores the exceptional significance of the meeting. He noted that the most import discussions before such summits are left for last.

Deák Dániel szerint Donald Trump hivatalba lépése paradigmaváltást jelentett az amerikai politikában, és ezt az uniós politikusok is érzik
Daniel Deak believes Donald Trump's presidency marks a paradigm shift in American politics. EU politicians are also aware of this change. (Photo: Getty Images via AFP)

The meeting lasted several hours, indicating an in-depth discussion—possibly even a debate—between the two leaders,

the analyst pointed out.

Macron's stance is clear: in a televised speech before the meeting, he stated that France would continue sending weapons and financial aid to Ukraine.

The French president continues to advocate for financing Ukraine and the war using EU taxpayers’ money,

Deak explained.

On the other hand, Viktor Orban firmly stated in a letter to European Council President Antonio Costa that he does not support sending weapons to Ukraine or continuing to fund the Russia-Ukraine war. According to the expert, Orban believes Europe should follow the United States’ example by engaging in dialogue with Russia and initiating peace talks.

It is also important to note that Viktor Orban spoke on the phone with Donald Trump, and Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto met for discussions with his U.S. counterpart Marco Rubio in Washington ahead of the EU summit.

Viktor Orban now has stronger backing than before previous EU summits. The question is: What measures might Brussels bureaucrats and those in favor of continuing the war and financing Ukraine take to pressure Hungary and Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico?

Deak states that many European leaders, though reluctant to openly support Orban, are quietly hoping that he succeeds in asserting Hungary’s position. Many EU governments face internal coalition pressures over the issue, so they prefer to remain silent and comply with Brussels's demands.

Financial pressure is a key tool used by Brussels, including the withholding of EU funds—a tactic that has been repeatedly deployed in recent years, Deak points out.

The crucial question now is what methods Brussels will use and how much support Orban will receive, particularly with Trump backing his stance on the war,

the expert stressed.

As we reported earlier Viktor Orban revealed details of his Paris meeting in a Facebook video. The prime minister stated

We have an exceptionally close partnership with France today, not just in politics but in economic matters as well.

Orban also emphasized that France and Hungary both reject the idea of turning the EU into a "United States of Europe."

France is France. Here, everyone is a patriot. Hungary is Hungary, and essentially everyone is a patriot—except for the left-wing opposition,

the prime minister remarked.
Regarding Europe’s response to the U.S. stance on the Russia-Ukraine war, Deak noted that EU leaders, including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, are now discussing the need for a common European defense system. Strengthening European defense is not a new idea—Orban himself has repeatedly emphasized its importance—but previous such statements have yet to be converted into concrete actions.

Whether today’s summit will bring a breakthrough remains uncertain, as the situation is changing rapidly and depends on which political side gains the upper hand, Deak said.

Europe would benefit from a breakthrough, as the U.S. expects European countries to shift toward peace. The question is how Western leaders will respond, Deak noted. He also highlighted that Trump’s return to office represents a fundamental paradigm shift in American foreign policy, with the new administration advocating a peace-oriented approach.

Macron, meanwhile, faces political instability in France, as he lacks a majority in the National Assembly. There is speculation that early elections could be held this summer. According to Deak, Macron is using foreign policy and his portrayal as Europe’s leader to distract from domestic tensions.

In contrast, Orban seems to have "passed the pro-peace baton" to Donald Trump. As Orban himself stated, he was previously the only Western leader actively advocating for peace, personally engaging in diplomatic efforts with Russia. Now, Trump is expected to take the lead on the global stage, while Orban focuses on representing Hungary’s national interests within Europe and working to end the war and related sanctions as soon as possible, Deak concluded.
Cover photo: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban and France's President Emmanuel Macron (Photo: AFP)

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