Szijjártó: It would be irresponsible to support the latest Brussels sanctions in their current form

“It would not be responsible to support the European Commission’s latest sanctions against Russia in their current form as they would destroy Hungary’s energy supply security,” stated Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó on Wednesday in Uzbekistan.

Forrás: MTI2022. 05. 05. 19:50
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Checking in from the Tashkent airport, the Minister explained that the Brussels institution’s latest sanctions proposals contain several new bans against certain Russian and Belarussian organizations and individuals as well as on the import and export of various products in certain economic fields.

“We can live with all of these measures – though of course their effectiveness could be debated, but this is not the time for that because war is being waged in our neighbourhood,”

– he announced.

“However, at the same time, they would ban Russian oil imports to Europe with a very short deadline; in the case of Hungary this would be from the end of next year,”

– he added.

Péter Szijjártó emphasized that Hungary’s energy supply is currently stable and secured, but this sanctions package would entirely destroy that, eliminating the supply of oil that is necessary for our economy’s smooth functioning.

“This is not a question of political will, nor intentions nor time – this is simply an issue of our physical, geographic, and infrastructural reality,”

– he summarized.

The Minister pointed out that Hungary is able to buy the necessary amount of crude oil from Russia; we can do this through our existing pipeline and, with our existing technology, we can process Russian crude oil exclusively.

To conclude, he emphasized that the government could not responsibly approve this sanctions package in its current form. In order for them to be able to support these measures, the embargo should not apply to oil transported through the pipelines.


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