The overwhelming majority wouldn't give a penny for the war

Hungarians view it as unfair that Ukraine should receive monies owed to our country, according to a fresh survey by the Nezopont Institute.

2023. 07. 07. 9:04
Donyecki terület, 2023. április 15. Ukrán katonák páncélozott harcjárművük fedezékében a kelet-ukrajnai Donyecki területen húzódó front térségében tartott gyakorlaton 2023. április 15-én, az Ukrajna elleni orosz háború alatt. MTI/AP/Roman Csop/Roman Csop Fotó: Roman Csop
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Around two-thirds (64%) of Hungarians oppose the European Commission's proposal to demand additional payments, according to which EU member states would provide an additional €50 billion in aid over the next four years. Only 28 percent consider this acceptable, according to a recent survey by the Nezopont Institute, which asked Hungarians whether they agree with the Commission's proposal to demand more money. As it turns out, nearly half of the supporters of Brussels' plan - 13 percent of Hungarians - reject financial aid to be sent to Ukraine, if it would deprive Hungary of access to EU funds.

The survey showed that a total of three quarters of voters (77%) would therefore not consider it fair for the European Union to use the funds Hungary is entitled to receive to assist Ukraine.

38% of left-wing voters agree with the committee's proposal to demand additional payments, but more than a third (36%) clearly reject it. Fifty percent of left-wing voters also oppose the idea of additional payments, if providing financial assistance to Ukraine would mean that the funds Hungary is entitled to are withheld, according to the results published by Nezopont Institute. The survey shows that criticism of financial aid to Ukraine does not mean that Hungarians are anti-Ukraine, as 88 percent of voters agreed that our eastern neighbor needs an immediate ceasefire (of which 3 percent were in favor of continuing the war) to end the senseless killing that has claimed the loves of more than 200,000 people.

The overwhelming majority of Hungarians would not give a single penny for the war (Source: Nezopont Institute)

Nezopont Institute recalled that so far the European Union has provided 77 billion euros in aid to Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and that the European Commission is now proposing to add to this another 50 billion euros over the next four years, which the 27 member states would have to pay into the common budget.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/AP/Roman Csop/Roman Csop)

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