German politician praises Hungary + videos

The future of the country lies not in migration, but in the right migration policy, according to AfD's candidate for the European Parliament.

Magyar Nemzet
Forrás: V4NA2023. 08. 10. 11:46
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Irmhild Bossdorf is standing as one of the candidates of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the 2024 European Parliament elections. Speaking at the party congress, she stressed, among other things, that the future of the country won't be secured by immigrants, but by German families and German children, the international V4NA writes.

 The mother of five therefore called for millions of people to remigrate to Germany, after millions have already left the country, replaced by migrants. As she said in her speech:

Mass migration is always the problem and never the solution. The solution will be the re-migration of millions.


She also pointed out that it is possible to rebuild an economy, and that the Germans in particular have already proved this throughout their history. What will one day be missing is the German population (our "Volk"), as this is being surrendered to dissolution by Berlin and Brussels.

The politician also gave an interview after the congress, in which she said:

In my view, the political agenda pursued by the EU must be urgently curbed and corrected. The transgender ideology, mass immigration and the destruction of domestic agriculture under the guise of the Green Deal are political issues given to us by Brussels.

Ms Bossdorf said that migration and family policy are the two most pressing issues in Europe right now, and personally the two closest to her heart.

We cannot seriously think that our demographic problem can be solved by millions of immigrants from African and Arab countries. While immigrants are neatly provided for, local families often don't know how to make ends meet. We must finally focus on strengthening families and creating the conditions for young couples to decide they they want to have children, and start a family again. This includes ensuring that our children grow up without being harassed by any transgender, queer or climate ideologies. It saddens me to see how little is being done in Western European countries to preserve our own families. Hungary is a very commendable exception.

– AfD's EP candidate added. She also noted the need for effective border controls when entering Europe. Frontex, Europe's border protection agency, should finally defend the external frontiers instead of helping people smugglers. Rejected asylum seekers must be consistently deported, instead of being given a grace period and permits. In many places, removing the incentives governments have created for mass immigration would be enough.

"Some northern European countries serve as a good example of this. But in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, social housing schemes already appear to favor "refugees" over natives. This is totally unacceptable!

 – Irmhild Bossdorf said in the interview.

Cover photo: Irmhild Bossdorf, a politician of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party (Photo: AfD)

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