George Soros has long been supporting anti-Israel forces

And Alex Soros is like a carbon copy of his father.

2023. 10. 12. 15:50
SOROS, György
Berlin, 2017. június 8. Soros György magyar származású amerikai üzletember, a New York-i Soros Fund Management befektetési társaság elnöke az Európai Roma Mûvészeti és Kulturális Intézet megalapításának alkalmából rendezett berlini ünnepségen 2017. június 8-án. (MTI/EPA/Clemens Bilan) Fotó: CLEMENS BILAN
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A radical pro-Hamas group, funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros, issued a statement of support for the attack on Israel a day before it was launched.

We stand with those who are committed to this aspiration [of separation from Israel] and to the liberation of Palestinians worldwide,

- reads a post shared by al-Shabaka, also known as The Palestinian Policy Network.

The Open Society Foundations (OSF) provided al-Shabaqa with $550,000 in grants between 2017 and 2021 (when Alex Soros became the newly appointed heir and vice president of the $25-billion OSF empire). In a show of gratitude, the pro-Hamas organization listed Soros's foundation as a "valued supporter" in its annual report for 2022-2023.

The image shows the group's "valued supporters”, with Soros's foundation clearly visible

The tycoon's generous support has reached many places

Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz defended Elon Musk when he became the subject of an online witch hunt for describing Soros as an anti-Semitic man. Mr Dershowitz believes that Musk was falsely attacked, because

no one has done more to damage Israel's standing in the world, especially among so-called progressives, than George Soros.

According to Mr Dershowitz, the fact that the billionaire stock exchange speculator is Jewish "won't shield him from criticism".

The professor also pointed out in a video that other anti-Israel groups, such as Human Rights Watch and J-Street, have also received extraordinary donations from the Soros network, with the former having received more than $100 million since 2010, and the latter over $1.5 million since 2017.


Farley Weiss, the president of the Israel Heritage Foundation, has reached a similar conclusion, when he emphasized in his recent article that

no man has ever financed more destructive attacks against Israel and America's Jewish community than George Soros. He is a self-hating Jew at best, and should not be exonerated because of his race.

This, however, isn't the first time that the media has been inundated with revelations about the Soros network's Palestinian ties. A similar situation arose in May 2021, when Islamist terrorists fired hundreds of rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip, resulting in the Israeli army launching retaliatory strikes in Gaza.

At the time, a left-wing climate activist group known as the Sunrise Movement took to Twitter to comment on the situation, but said nothing about attacks on Jews. "We stand in solidarity with the Palestinians. Climate justice cannot exist without collective liberation, and collective liberation can only be achieved by liberating people around the world from colonial and imperial violence," they said in one of their posts. According to their 2020 financial statements, the Soros-founded Democracy PAC (Political Action Committee) has granted $250,000 to the organization.

As, in terms of the future, no one is expecting a turnaround from Alexander Soros. Israel's minister for diaspora affairs and social equality told Fox News that

Alex Soros's anti-Israel agenda mirrors that of his father. "The son appears to be a carbon copy of his father," Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli said.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper also told Fox News that "if Soros Jr. wants to make a lasting contribution to transforming the world, he would do well to roll up his sleeves and personally help the poor and needy. Money alone never guarantees results - not in parts of the world where billions in aid have poured into countries, some of them failed states."

Cover photo: US businessman George Soros, Chairman of the New York-based Soros Fund Management investment company, attends a ceremony to mark the founding of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture in Berlin, on June 8, 2017 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Clemens Bilan)

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