Bayer Zsolt about the dictatorship in the UK

It begs the question that if Hungary is a dictatorship, what the heck is the UK?

2023. 11. 04. 11:13
Forrás: Képernyőkép
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The other day an ordinary blue-collar guy peeked out of his window and looked around, then he shared a desperate Facebook-post in which he resented that all his neighbors were hoisting the Palestinian flag from their windows. 

One would think you can do this in a democracy without any negative consequences. But not in London! Around two hours after the guy shared the Facebook-post, two policemen in uniform showed up at his apartment to arrest him. He was handcuffed and dragged away. So this is where the UK, the West and democracy are standing today. 

Strangely enough, it's Hungary that the idiots in Brussels, the MEPs and other decision makers keep calling a dictatorship or an authoritarian regime which stifles the freedom of speech. Their rants are daily echoed in the western mainstream press. In their narrative everything is awful here, unlike in the West, where democracy is flourishing. However, if you dare to voice your concerns about all your neighbours raising the Palestinian flag from the window, you are going to be handcuffed and arrested in your own home.

 It begs the question that if Hungary is a dictatorship, what the heck is the UK?

Foto: Zsolt Bayer (Print-screen from video)

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