The Spawns of Dollar Daddies

Having received millions of US dollars during the election campaign was also disclosed by Peter Marki-Zay, the failed prime ministerial candidate of the opposition alliance.

2023. 11. 29. 14:55
Tihany, 2023. augusztus 25. Márki-Zay Péter, a Mindenki Magyarországa Mozgalom elnöke a Merre tovább, melyik úton? Vita az ország helyzetérõl címû pódiumbeszélgetésen a Tranzit politikai fesztiválon Tihanyban 2023. augusztus 25-én. MTI/Bodnár Boglárka Fotó: Bodnár Boglárka
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungary's left-wing parties have shown their true colors by attacking the law on protecting national sovereignty in all forums, abroad and at home, in the media and in the National Assembly. Under the new legislation, influencing the will of voters illegally by using illicit foreign funds would qualify as a criminal offence. The opposition's political response - tantamount to self-confessing - clearly reflects what was established in the National Information Center's reports on foreign interference in Hungary's 2022 parliamentary elections.

The available documents clearly reveal which countries and which foreign organizations sent funds to Hungary in 2021 and 2022.

Among others, Peter Marki-Zay, the prime ministerial candidate of the united opposition alliance and currently the "crown witness" of the case, disclosed that they received several million US dollars from the United States during the election campaign. It is reflective of the strategy pursued by the leftist-liberal network that just to make sure, they also involved the circle of Gergely Karacsony - Budapest's current mayor eyeing prime ministerial candidacy -  in the internationalist effort to bring down the government.

The money, allegedly coming in the form of donations, was clearly used by the foreign donors to gain political influence and channel the will of Hungarian voters, which not only amounts to political corruption, but also impairs and endangers Hungary's sovereignty.

The Left is going out of its way to protest, because even in opposition, they have to work for the millions of dollars, euros or pounds.

Foreign money has become integral to the political activities of left-wing parties. Every utterance and every action by the parties in the ex-PM Gyurcsany led alliance over the past thirteen years have been about nothing else than paving the way for Brussels's migration policy aiming to bring seven million people into the EU by 2030. A significant portion of this seven million would be accommodated in ghettos set up in different parts of Hungary, while they decide from abroad who to distribute where.

Despite the resounding no to migration Hungarians have repeatedly expressed in parliamentary elections and national consultations since 2010, the domestic Left continues to support migrant quotas and re-distribution with all its might at all EU forums in Brussels, and does not support border protection, and even cut through the erected border fence at a press conference. The Left joins hands with Brussels in attacking the government's utility bill reductions, interest rate freeze, and family subsidies because they have only one goal: to integrate the rebellious Hungarians into the left-liberal European empire of Brussels and to rule over them as colonial governors - something which they have already gained considerable experience in.

The intellectual and in many cases biological predecessors of left-wing politicians who had at the time assumed airs of European lordship, knew exactly what it means to influence a reluctant African, South American or Asian country with millions in foreign currency, to inject capital into the comrades domestically to effect a small revolution, a coup or a rigged election in these countries.

During the decades of communism, hundreds of millions of dollars were siphoned out of our country. In 1992, the scandal bearing the now again re-surfacing name "rolling dollars" broke out in Hungary. At the time, two leading politicians of the Left Gyula Horn and Matyas Szuros butted heads, ultimately ending in the liquidation of the Hungarian Socialist Party's (MSzP) national wing. The Hungarian prosecutor's office also initiated an investigation into the "rolling dollars", but failed to make an indictment. Thirty years on, in the thirteenth year of the patriotic government, this mistake can not be made again: the beneficiaries of today's rolling dollars, namely the children of the former "dollar daddies", must be held to account and the package of laws and relevant bureaus must be established, that ensure to legally protect the democratic competition of parties and the independence of Hungarian politics.

Cover photo: Hodmezovasarhely Mayor Peter Marki-Zay,  (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar) 

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