Date Set for Hungary-Ukraine Talks

Hungary-Ukraine foreign ministers' meeting in Uzhhorod will take place on 29 January, Hungary's foreign minister announced.

2024. 01. 20. 12:07
Drégelypalánk, 2024. január 12. Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter beszédet mond a Drégelypalánk-Ipolyhídvég közötti, 2,9 milliárd forintból megépült Ipoly-híd projektzáró rendezvényén a drégelypalánki mûvelõdési házban 2024. január 12-én. MTI/Komka Péter Fotó: Komka Péter Forrás: MTI/Komka Péter
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian minister for foreign affairs and trade said that on his way back from Athens, he again talked to Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian president's office, on the phone to consult on the most important issues in the two countries' relations and discuss a face-to-face meeting in Uzhhorod (Ungvar), the date of which has now been scheduled for January 29.

The meeting, which will take place in ten days on Monday, will be attended by a strong Ukrainian delegation including the Ukrainian president's chief of staff and Ukraine's foreign minister,

Peter Szijjarto wrote in his post on Facebook.

He expressed hope that the meeting will successfully address the most important bilateral issues, primarily the restoration of the rights of the Hungarian national community in Transcarpathia and the long-term future of relations between the two countries.

Cover photo: Peter Szijjarto (Photo:  MTI/Peter Komka)

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