Russia has carried out a combat training launch of the Yars mobile-based, solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile, equipped with multiple warheads at the state test Cosmodrome in Plesetsk, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.
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Russia conducts successful ballistic missile launch with the Yars system.
The training warhead hit its planned target on the Kura range on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
The objective of the launch was to confirm the tactical, technical, and flight characteristics of the modern missile system.
In preparation for the event, the Strategic Missile Forces practiced the procedure for moving the Yars launch battery to a remote area, as well as preparing and carrying out the launch, the MoD statement said, affirming the completion of all set tasks.
On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin had alluded that Russia could strike with the Yars system if its territory is attacked.
Magyar Nemzet reported on the deployment of the Yars system last month, and we asked an expert about the kind of message this conveyed.
All such demonstrative displaying of weapons and the presenting and movement of weapons in public serve two purposes,
Jozsef Horvath responded to our question, explaining that one is to let adversaries know the kind of weapons the given country possesses, and the other is to signal to potential business partners what they can buy. He also opined that
the very overt and demonstrative way these missiles were being moved indicates that this is more a message rather than a real threat.
Cover image: Screenshot of Russian Yars missile launch video (Source: Russian Ministry of Defense)
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