Fidesz MEP: Draining the Swamp of Corruption One Step Toward Effecting Change in Brussels

Tamas Deutsch, MEP of the governing parties, spoke about the EP electoral list of the Fidesz and the Christian Democrats, about joining a political group in the European Parliament, and commented on a government insider turned critic on HirTV.

2024. 04. 06. 14:39
Tamas Deutsch, head of the Fidesz delegation to the European Parliament, speaks at the congress of the Fidesz Hungarian Civic Alliance Federation at Hungexpo, Budapest, November 18, 2023. (Photo: MTI/Szilard Kosticsak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The fifth term in the European Parliament is ahead of the MEPs Hungarian citizens will place their trust in.

As I see it, the most difficult cycle, the most brutal years with the harshest attacks from Brussels against Hungary are coming,

Tamas Deutsch told HirTV on the program  Napi aktualis.

It was a priority for Fidesz's national organization to bring together a team that would continue the tradition that the candidates on the joint EP electoral list of the Fidesz and the Christian Democrats (KDNP) win European Parliament elections in Hungary. On the other hand, a team is needed that - besides being a winner - will be able to achieve results in fending off and warding off these challenges, these incredibly harsh attacks from Brussels against Hungary's sovereignty and our shared freedom," the lead candidate for the Fidesz-KDNP EP electoral list stressed.

Regarding the Fidesz-KDNP EP list, Tamas Deutsch said that the list includes experienced candidates equipped with knowledge and contacts obtained as MEPs during several European Parliament terms, and there are also excellent new candidates. It is also very important that for the third time, the Fidesz-KDNP list is a national list. All the ethnic Hungarian communities living in a neighboring country that is not a member of the European Union have candidates on the Fidesz-KDNP list. Their position on the list ensures the potential that they will win a seat and will able to represent the interests of their community and their country.

It conveys a very important message that the poison green ideology rooted in an incredible ideological insanity has launched a brutal attack on European farmers, on European agriculture, and that's why farmers have taken to protest in Western Europe. As representing and protecting farmers' interests will be a key issue in the coming years, it is important that a prominent public figure who enjoys the trust of the farming community will have a seat in the European Parliament, in the person of Balazs Gyorffy, who is the president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and a member of parliament, Tamas Deutsch pointed out.

The Fidesz-KDNP EP electoral list gathers a team that possesses both expertise and readiness to fight, as well as the ability to outwit those who attack them,  

the Fidesz MEP emphasized, adding that the first step in accomplishing the task is to win the election so that they can contribute to the crucial change needed in Brussels.

On the question of joining one of the political groups in the European Parliament, Tamas Deutsch said that one day after the elections, everyone will know the results. The consultations, discussions and negotiations that are currently taking place will then gain momentum. 

I believe that this is the long-awaited chance and opportunity that can bring about the right wing's strengthening, a right-wing advance, and even a right-wing sovereignist breakthrough in the European Parliament,

he said, adding that "if this chance translates into reality, we will be able to negotiate with our partners with such success behind us".

According to their expectation, they will work in a large right-wing conservative sovereignist group in the new European Parliament,

the MEP stressed.

Citizens should see clearly that more than half a decade is coming to an end, during which the Brussels bureaucracy and its key institution, 

the European Commission, has been trying to find cases of corruption in every member state in a bid to divert attention from the institutionalized, systemic corruption that pervades the Brussels bureaucracy, 

Tamas Deutsch pointed out, adding that the biggest corruption in the European Union can be found in Brussels.

The lead candidate for the EP list of the governing parties cited as an example the case of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who concluded a deal worth billions of euros for the purchase of Covid vaccines in an exchange of private text messages with a major pharmaceutical company.

"While they constantly demand ever more complicated and bureaucratic public procurement rules from us and from others, they can do this without any problem," Tamas Deutsch pointed out. He added 

Sending a text message seems to be the progressive way of procurement in the 21st century (...) this is the way to procure goods. This raises the suspicion of some incredibly serious corruption. Draining the swamp of corruption is one of the first steps in effecting change in Brussels

Speaking about Peter Magyar, a former government insider turned critic, Tamas Deutsch sent the message that "you should consult your physician or pharmacist".

More seriously, the situation is clearer than daylight, there is a man with left-wing views and ideas, one of the dollar Left, who has himself said that he is a liberal, leftist-liberal person,

the Fidesz MEP pointed out, noting that this is not an accusation, he is truly a left-wing politician.

He reuses, reads and repeats all of ex-prime ministerial candidate Peter Marki-Zay's outdated, terrible left-wing texts, in the complete absence of any thoughts of his own. On the other hand, his personality, his behavior so far, fits in with the fact that

this dollar Left is aggressive.

Tamas Deutsch explained.

Cover photo: Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)

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