Fidesz MEP: War or Peace at Stake in Election

War or peace is at stake in the June 9 election. Only peace is the solution, and only Fidesz is the guarantee for peace, the leader of the Fidesz EP group told public radio in an interview on Sunday, referring to the election manifesto issued by the governing party.

2024. 04. 21. 14:11
Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal addresses the 20th Fidelitas congress in Szekesfehervar on November 11, 2023. (Photo: MTI/Peter Komka)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

There have been many important elections, but perhaps none of them had such huge stakes, said Kinga Gal, the leader of the Fidesz EP group, adding that she expects a strong campaign. The election manifesto is a brief, meaningful document, identifying the main problems in Brussels, the MEP, who is also Fidesz's vice-president, pointed out.

"Early this week, we were confronted with the magnitude of the problem in Western Europe, the magnitude of the problem in Brussels," Kinga Gal emphasized, recalling the events that took place at the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon). There is practically no freedom of speech, the freedom of expression is threatened,

she added. 

Twenty years after Hungary's accession to the EU, "we are at the point in Western Europe where an event is prohibited" because the participants are traditionalists, share a conservative vision, and focus on protecting national sovereignty, according to the decree issued by the local mayor who ordered the ban, the MEP said. 

The stakes are huge, the politician said. We must put an end to the ideological warfare, to the thought police that currently reigns in Brussels, and we must stand up for our freedom again. We must say no to war, no to migration, no to gender and LGBTQ propaganda,

she said.

The EP is completely out of touch with reality, has lost its common sense, and "forces things that are bad for European people," Kinga Gal said.

If there is no change in Brussels, Europe will drift into war. Unless the migration flows are halted and our borders are protected, the influx of migrants will destroy European nations. If gender propaganda is not stopped, the future of our children will be taken away, the Fidesz MEP warned.


Change is needed, and those who have failed so far must be replaced, since they could not tackle the crisis, protect peace in Europe, and did not achieve the common European goals, Fidesz's vice-president stated.

Despite the growing pressure, Fidesz politicians consistently uphold their position of rejecting illegal migration and gender propaganda, stand up for peace, and stress the need for a ceasefire and peace negotiations, Kinga Gal said.

As an example, she mentioned the pressure on the prime minister at the European Council this week, and the next EP resolution - now more than the tenth and once again "full of slander" - on Fidesz's  anti-war, anti-migration, anti-gender propaganda stance. 

We need MEPs who stand up for Hungarian national interests, the politician stressed, pointing out that the dollar Left practically voted for all the war reports and all the resolutions supporting illegal migration, so it is clear that they will not protect Hungary's national interests. They were bought by the kilo, as she put it, and they deliver to those who pay them. 

As Kinga Gal sees it, change, the need for the continent to return to sanity and normality, can be perceived throughout Europe. This is what right-wing conservative forces stand up for today, she said.

The politician is confident that after the elections, strengthened, cooperative conservative right-wing forces will be able to bring about the real change that Europe so badly needs.

Cover photo: Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal (Photo: MTI/Peter Komka)

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