The Hungarian liberal media cited various reasons for days trying to explain that Robert Fico's attempted assassin was not pro-war and did not commit his crime because he disagreed with the Slovak prime minister's pro-peace stance.
The Hungarian liberal media cited various reasons for days trying to explain that Robert Fico's attempted assassin was not pro-war and did not commit his crime because he disagreed with the Slovak prime minister's pro-peace stance.
Although this narrative has already been refuted by footage of the shooter, Juraj Cintula, chanting "long live Ukraine", "enough of Fico" and referring to the Slovakian government as "traitors" at a protest along with several other demonstrators.
Now, even the investigative documents of the attempted assassination case also confirm that
Cintula's attack on the Slovak prime minister was unequivocally politically motivated out of disagreement with PM Fico's pro-peace policies.
Investigators have several statements by multiple witnesses, one from a woman who spoke about Cintula's sentiment towards the prime minister.
The attacker had allegedly expressed being disturbed by the PM's attitude towards Russia and Hungary.
"Specifically, the way ... he [Fico] related to them, that he had a good relationship with them. Cintula didn't like the fact that... he [Fico] had made negative comments about the European Union. The witness also claimed that she was aware that Cintula had written on Facebook that the 'X' platform should be stopped," the court document reads.
According to the prosecutor, the suspect's crime was "committed out of revenge because he did not agree with the government's policy".
In several articles, both journalists now at but formerly at and those at the Soros blog,, tried to portray Cintula and his crime as having nothing to do with Fico's pro-peace policies, and even tried to paint him as belonging to a far-right Nazi camp.
[Translation: Despite making anti-Gypsy slurs and being active in extremist right-wing organization, Hungarian government tries to make Robert Fico's attacker into Leftist - ed.]
[Translation: Szijjarto is still talking of a left-wing, progressive attacker - ed.]
The revealed footage and now the investigative materials and even the prosecutor's statement, all prove that Fico's attempted assassin is clearly pro-war.
Cover photo: The assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (Photo: Photo: RTVS/AFP)
Antonio Costa expressed his gratitude on the social media platform X to Hungary's prime minister and the diplomats who oversaw Hungary's six-month EU Council Presidency ending on December 31.
Hungary will utilize every legal and political tool to secure the remaining funds, the country's EU affairs minister stated.
Tisza Party MEPs are bent on making Hungary's people and businesses pay the price of irrational greening and misguided sanctions policies.
This is a historic success.
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Antonio Costa expressed his gratitude on the social media platform X to Hungary's prime minister and the diplomats who oversaw Hungary's six-month EU Council Presidency ending on December 31.
Hungary will utilize every legal and political tool to secure the remaining funds, the country's EU affairs minister stated.
Tisza Party MEPs are bent on making Hungary's people and businesses pay the price of irrational greening and misguided sanctions policies.
This is a historic success.
Portfóliónk minőségi tartalmat jelent minden olvasó számára. Egyedülálló elérést, országos lefedettséget és változatos megjelenési lehetőséget biztosít. Folyamatosan keressük az új irányokat és fejlődési lehetőségeket. Ez jövőnk záloga.