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21:002024. július 01.
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Hungary's EU Presidency to Show Europe Real Alternative in Strong Headwinds, Analyst Says

Hungary assumes the EU presidency until the end of this year staring on July 1st. This position gives the country an opportunity to present an alternative to the self-indulgent, globalist and pro-war positions of Brussels, Szazadveg's Policy Analysis Director Zoltan Kiszelly, told Magyar Nemzet.

2024. 06. 29. 17:03
The flags of Hungary and the European Union (Photo: NurPhoto/AFP/Beata Zawrzel)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungary will take over the rotating presidency on July 1 and its leadership role will be key in addressing the challenges and setting a clear, forward-looking agenda for the EU.

EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka at a panel discussion on continental and Balkans regional security policy (Photo: AFP/ATTILA KISBENEDEK)

"Make Europe great again!" This is the motto of the six-month Hungarian EU Presidency. Stated priorities include improving European competitiveness, strengthening defense policy, curbing illegal migration, redrawing demographic and agricultural policy, having a balanced enlargement policy with specific promotion of the integration of the Western Balkans.

The rotating EU presidency gives each bloc member the opportunity to present its own region and the problems that are specific to that country and region. The integration of the 27 member states spans the entire continent, so the problems of different geographical areas can be brought to the fore,

Zoltan Kiszelly said.

Szazadveg Policy Analysis Director Zoltan Kiszelly at the Varkert Bazaar in Budapest on January 17, 2022. (Photo: MTI/Zsolt Szigetvary)

"This will be the second Hungarian presidency, the other in the first half of 2011 was very successful, as Hungary put issues on the table of Europe that also concern others, such as the Danube or the Roma strategy, which everyone considered very successful at the time", the expert pointed out, adding:

Now Hungary, as a medium-sized member state, can use the presidency to present a political alternative. Hungary is not necessarily offering this to the mainstream and the so-called rainbow coalitions, but to the people of Europe and to European advocacy groups.

He stressed that rather than pitching their offer to the pro-war coalitions, the Hungarian government should direct it at European society, which, according to Szazadveg's survey, already shares the Hungarian government's position on migration, on Brussels's excessive power grab and on the issue of war and peace. This is what the Hungarian presidency should be used for, to highlight this political alternative.


Priority points of the Hungarian presidency

On the issue of competitiveness, according to the analyst, we can point to the disadvantages caused by the misguided Brussels sanctions, the ideological nature of energy policy, the fact that Brussels is drifting towards an authoritative planned economic system, and the same logic prevails in the Green Deal as opposed to following the logic of the market. The expert noted:

The other main issue, which is important not only for Hungary but also for this region, is enlargement - not only with the accession of the Western Balkan states, but also the enlargement of the Schengen area with Romania and Bulgaria -  thereby pushing migration routes farther away. This is also an issue that affects the Central and Eastern European region, not just Hungary.

On enlargement, the expert spoke about the importance of moving to majority voting. "Weapons production could also be a priority issue, we intend to use these capabilities for defense against attacks from external aggressors as per the original content of the NATO treaty, and the pro-war parties would send these arms - even those produced in Hungary - in Ukraine. There is no question about the need to produce materiel, but there is a heated dispute about their utilization, however, we have to represent a consensus, and in this we can count on Western European arms manufacturers," Zoltan Kiszelly said.

Hungary budapest unesco pest district hungarian parliament
The Hungarian Parliament in Budapest is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Photo: Hemis/AFP/Bertrand GARDEL )

Brussels is abandoning the interests of Europe on the altar of globalist, Anglo-Saxon, pro-war interests. They are sacrificing Europe while Hungary wants to strengthen the continent,

he stressed.

Back to our roots

A few decades ago, Europe dared to dream big which culminated in the Maastricht Treaty and that the EU could be an equal partner to the United States, but that these dreams have long been buried in Brussels, the expert says.

The current EU has reached the limits of its performance capacity. It is evident that the euro zone is a ticking time bomb that the Germans can no longer continue to finance. With sanctions and ongoing war funding, this situation will explode in three to five years. It will be a change that the Brussels elite is trying to cover up,

he continued.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrives for the European Union Heads of State dinner (Photo: AFP/STOYAN NENOV)

"The task of the Hungarian presidency, therefore, is to reintroduce as an alternative the old integration and concept prevalent until the 1990s and advocated by Kohl and Mitterrand, namely that the EU is a strong integration of strong European countries." He added:

They are trying to isolate, financially debilitate and penalize Hungary, so that we cannot build an alliance. But when, in the medium term, the war accelerates the processes mentioned above, then perhaps the Hungarian position will become the majority one, just as it has become on migration.

In Zoltan Kiszelly's view, the Hungarian presidency is a prime opportunity to present a counterpoint that is real and positive for Europe. "Time will prove us right," he underlined.

Cover photo: The flags of Hungary and the European Union (Photo: NurPhoto/AFP/Beata Zawrzel)


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