Hungary FM: Hungary Faced Aggressive Pro-War Hysteria Because of Its Peace Mission

Recently, everyone has started using the diplomatic channels.

2024. 07. 23. 14:28
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto at the the public media's Brussels headquarters. July 22, 2024 (Photo:  MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At the European Union Foreign Affairs Council meeting Hungary faced aggressive, coordinated pro-war hysteria, in many cases completely neglecting reality, because of its peace mission, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto emphasized on Monday, in Brussels.

At the press conference, FM Szijjarto said there had been a 'concerted, hysterical series of attacks against the Hungarian peace mission and the government's pro-peace policy, often based on lies and frequently mocking and ignoring reality.

He underlined that the EU’s Ukraine strategy had failed in the past two and a half years, arguing that peace was drifting further away, and the sanctions were hurting the continent’s economy more and more.

Of course we can bury our head in the sand, as some of my fellow European politicians have done, and interpret the truth as Kremlin propaganda,

 – he said. Instead, he called for a change to the current approach and a peace strategy, saying that diplomatic channels must be reopened for the sake of success. FM Szijjarto recalled that last week the Swiss and Russian foreign ministers met, the US and Russian defense ministers talked on the phone and the Ukrainian president also held talks with Donald Trump.

So everyone has started using diplomatic channels, it is only here in Brussels and in European capitals that they call this illegitimate, something that must not be done, and whoever argues for diplomatic solutions is labelled pro-Russian,

 – he said. FM Szijjarto said he had pointed out the “lies”, for instance the fact that during its peace mission Hungary never said that it acted as the EU's representative, adding that no one tried to make such an impression. Following the first meetings of the peace mission, three proposals were presented: the reopening of diplomatic channels with Russia, political consultation with China and communications with the global South, he said. The latter had been discussed at every EU Council meeting and the importance of maintaining relations with China has also been voiced by many, he added.

If we take a look at how many European leaders met the Chinese president in the recent past, and how many will meet him in the near future, it'll be a long list,

 – he remarked. He emphasized that there were some differences of opinion in terms of the reopening of diplomatic channels, adding however, that this was a legitimate topic for debate, and that refusing the possibility of discussion was an undemocratic approach.

– The whole world is awakening, and diplomatic channels are starting to buzz again, except for the European states that continue to pursue their current strategy, Mr. Szijjarto remarked, stressing that this approach will only lead to more deaths and prolong the war even further.


Brussels' revenge

According to FM Szijjarto, “Brussels has devised a fantastic act of revenge” which involves rendering the informal foreign ministers’ meeting - slated to take place in late August in Budapest - impossible.

This is completely childish. I really don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings, but this debate is perhaps nearly kindergarten level,

– he said. Whether a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council is held in a formal or informal framework is usually decided by the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and, in the latter case, it is an institutionalised custom that the meeting is held in the member state holding the rotating presidency, Mr Szijjarto added.

And we are prepared for it. If the High Representative calls the meeting to Budapest, we will be pleased to welcome the foreign ministers with proper Hungarian hospitality. And if the High Representative decides that he does not want to call the meeting in Budapest, but in Brussels, then I will come and then the meeting will be held in Brussels,

– he stressed. Mr Szijjarto mentioned that many had argued for the meeting to be held in Budapest, but others argued that they would be unwilling to attend. We also received a rather "resourceful" proposal that the meeting should be held in Ukraine. This, however, would require a unanimous resolution, and the Hungarian government will certainly not support it. Slovakia was the only country that clearly stood up in support of Hungary, he added.

Slovakia's deputy foreign minister, who was here, clearly articulated that they had no objection and criticism against the Hungarian prime minister’s peace mission,

 – he explained.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto holds a press briefing after the meeting of EU foreign ministers, at the the public media's Brussels headquarters on July 22, 2024 (Source: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)

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