Tamas Deutsch: Strong Right-Wing Realignment Taking Place Globally

The Patriots for Europe party alliance, Prime Minister Viktor Orban's peace mission and Hungary's EU presidency - these are the issues we discussed with MEP Tamas Deutsch. The head of Fidesz's EP delegation said the right-wing party alliance "will become a political group boasting considerable strength".

2024. 07. 08. 15:54
Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch (Photo: Arpad Foldhazi)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

–  The Patriots for Europe party alliance has strong foundations already. The president of the Portuguese Chega party has announced his intention to become part of the alliance, and the Spanish Vox party has also joined the new patriotic force. Do you expect broad support?

– The initiative of Andrej Babis, the president of the Czech ANO party, Herbert Kickel, the chairman of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), and Fidesz President Viktor Orban has been very well received. This new initiative is symbolic in many ways. On one hand, it's an initiative by parties from three Central European countries committed to national politics and a sovereignist political course. On the other, we have a new, right-wing faction with great prospects and long-term goals, as well as an implementation plan. And of course, let's not forget that all three initiating parties won the European elections in their respective countries. So this is a coalition of winners.

Besides the public declarations of accession already made, I can tell you that in the first half of this week, when the new grouping is due to be officially formed, Patriots for Europe - this new alliance attracting significant interest and a positive reception - will emerge as a political group with considerable force.


– The left is already fearful of this new force. What's your message to those who are trying to undermine the work of the right-wing alliance?

– In our decades of work in Brussels, we have become accustomed to the fact that if you are not a political player "accepted" and approved by the mainstream, you have to do your job in a strong headwind. However, this has never stopped us from delivering on our plans and tasks. We are fully aware that reality isn't exactly what happens in these leftist-liberal "intellectual bubbles" that create an alternative reality, isolated from the world. A few weeks ago, the European Parliament elections demonstrated once again that, while they continue to live in a virtual world of their own making, a very significant right-wing realignment is taking place. This right-wing shift has given the motivation and impetus to our new grouping initiative. The leftist-liberal forces and Soros's network are no longer able to conceal reality, with their constant smear campaigns ringing hollow...

– PM Viktor Orban recently discussed peace in Kyiv and Moscow. He named the establishment of peace as the main objective of the Hungarian presidency. Can we say that the main objective of this new party alliance and parliamentary group is also to stop the Russia-Ukraine war?

– The people of Europe want peace, there is no question about that. The election was about a choice between war and peace, and the voters knew full well that the real question was who, as a voter, they expect their politicians to take practical steps in a wartime situation to end the conflict as soon as possible. In practice, the European Union today is engaged in a net pro-war policy, providing money, weapons, and political support to deepen the war.

It is hypocrisy at its best that the people in Brussels are preaching about wanting peace but, to achieve it, they believe we need to give more weapons, more money, and more political support to escalate the war...

Viktor Orban's visit to Ukraine was a very well thought-out diplomatic initiative with the potential for success. The Hungarian prime minister, who took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, has taken a meaningful diplomatic step towards achieving peace as soon as possible. And we have not seen such a major ceasefire initiative since the war began. 

– What will six months at the helm of the Council of the EU be enough for?

– What I'd rather say is that Hungary will be the main organizer of the EU's work in the six months ahead. An effective organizer of the issues already launched within the EU decision-making process, or those that will be on the agenda in the upcoming semester. We will act like a good dramaturge in a theatre production: not as the main character or the director, but as someone who's putting a script, a screenplay, or a literary work on stage. One who formulates the text that provides a framework or creates the possibility for a good theatrical performance. We know that the basis of all success is perfect planning and organization. And holding the rotating presidency is a huge organizational task for the governments of the member states. Additionally, we also need a high-quality presidency program, which sets out common objectives and specific tasks for the member states holding the rotating presidency. We Hungarians have set ourselves the goal of increasing the competitiveness of the EU.

Let's not forget, however, that in the period we have left behind, the leftist-liberal mainstream in Brussels has tried to utilize all its petty political weapons - for the umpteenth time without success - to prevent our country from holding the rotating presidency.

Rising above these political attacks, the Hungarian EU presidency got off to a smooth, dynamic, and highly successful start last week.

– What do you expect from the upcoming period, when the group will be officially formed?

– I am looking forward to it, it will be a big event. After that, we will have a good fifteen minutes or so to celebrate and then we will start the disciplined work and preparation for the inaugural session of the European Parliament in our new and strong group. I can bravely declare that the formation of our group marks the beginning of a new era in the functioning of the European Parliament. The emergence on stage of a group with a completely different approach, a completely different posture, and a completely different political strategy.

Cover photo: Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch (Photo: Arpad Foldhazi) 

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