Hungary Is Exceptionally Prepared for Heating Season In European Comparisons

"Hungary's preparedness for the upcoming heating season is solid, even by European standards. With natural gas supplies flowing uninterrupted along the southern route, the country's energy security is guaranteed in the long term," Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Saint Petersburg on Friday.

Forrás: MTI2024. 08. 31. 11:57
Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Following his nearly three-hour meeting with Alexey Miller, the CEO of Russian state gas giant Gazprom, the foreign affairs and trade minister said that two extremely important decisions had been made in recent years in the field of natural gas supply to Hungary that have since clearly proved to be correct steps.

One is the construction of the TurkStream pipeline with the cooperation of Russian, Turkish, Bulgarian and Serbian partners, and the other is the signing of a long-term, 15-year gas procurement contract with Gazprom back in 2021,

he said, stressing that "Today, this long-term gas purchase agreement and this secure southern transport route enable Hungary's gas supply to be guaranteed and stable even in an extremely difficult geopolitical environment".

the foreign minister said that he and Alexei Miller had discussed the situation on the European energy market for nearly three hours, and can conclude that Hungary's natural gas supply remains stable and secure.

Gazprom is fulfilling its commitments under the 2021 contract. Turkey, Bulgaria and Serbia are acting as reliable transit countries and ensuring the continued flow of gas from Russia to Hungary,

he pointed out, noting that last year approximately 5.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas arrived in Hungary via the TurkStream, and that this year the figure has already reached 4.8 billion cubic meters. "It is clear that the southern transport route is becoming increasingly significant, and can secure and guarantee Hungary's natural gas supply," he stressed.

And this is why, Hungary's preparedness for the upcoming months, otherwise known as the heating season, is also doing very well, even by European standards.

Natural gas storage facility filledness has reached the 89 percent level, which means that as of today, Hungary can cover 57 percent of its annual consumption with the gas currently in storage. "To be clear about what this means in European terms: the European average is 27 percent," he added.

The minister underlined that Hungary's supplies are secure under the long-term contract, and Gazprom is committed to fulfilling the terms of the agreement and continuing its cooperation with Hungary.

We share that sentiment. It is a mutually beneficial agreement that we do not want to give up in any way,

he stressed. "The purchase of natural gas from Russia is in no way subject to sanctions, and our goal is clear: we want to secure Hungary's energy supply and will do so. We will not accept any restrictions in this regard," he concluded.

Cover photo: Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)


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