Rematch Between Luca Hamori and Khelif Possible, Coach Says

The International Boxing Association (IBA) did not wait long after the Olympics: it will hold the women's world championships in Astana, Kazakhstan, at the end of September and beginning of October. However, Luca Hamori, who finished fifth in the women's 66 kg category at the Games in Paris, will not compete. Her coach, Aron Varsanyi told the Ripost magazine that she needs a complete rest after the upsetting controversies surrounding her match against Algerian Imane Khelif.

2024. 08. 15. 14:20
Luca Hamori and Aron Varsanyi (Photo: Sandor Csudai)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungarian boxer Luca Hamori's coach, Aron Varsanyi, watched the 66-kilogram women's boxing final at the Paris Olympics on television from home.  The match ended with the triumph of Imane Khelif, who was excluded from last year's world championships as a result of her gender eligibility tests. Although the Hungarian coach did not think that the Algerian would lose to her Chinese rival in the gold medal match, he expected a significantly more enjoyable final.

Hámori Luca, Imane Helif
In the quarter-finals, Imane Khelif won by unanimous points decision against Luca Hamori (Photo: MTI/Zsolt Czegledi)

"Yang Liu is the current world champion. I analyzed her movements all the more because Luca met her at a sparring session in France before the Games, and Luca managed perfectly. Yang's nine-minute stunt in the final was a disappointment. Before the final, I thought she had far better skills," Aron Varsanyi told the Hungarian online Ripost magazine.

The expert watched Luca Hamori's 5-0 defeat to the Algerian in the quarter-finals on video several times, scrutinizing the smallest details.

"As I noted after their meeting that decided the medal in the 66-kilogram category, Luca did not hit much. The next time they play, she should get closer to her rival and surprise the Algerian with a two-three punch combination and then a quick move, so there would be a chance to fight back."

Varsanyi has no doubt that despite the international outcry surrounding her participation in the Olympics, Khelif will not give up boxing, but he will be curious to see whether Khelif will appear at the world championship in Astana, starting at the end of September.

Luca Hamori needs a complete rest

"The championship is organized by the International Boxing Association (IBA), the world organization that has twice disqualified Khelif due to her excessively high testosterone levels and male chromosomes. I have never commented on these controversies so far, and I will not do so in the future. It should be left to the experts to decide whether Khelif can compete in the women's field in the future," said Aron Varsanyi, who revealed that Luca Hamori will not be there at the autumn championships.

"Luca will not compete in the world championship. She needs a complete rest after all the challenges and expectations she had to tackle in the French capital. I can tell that this whole row has deeply upset her," Aron Varsanyi said. 


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