The Success of the Peace Mission Is in Europe's Interest

A ceasefire and the rapid start of peace talks are in the most important interests not only of the warring countries, but also of Europe, Istvan Simicsko told Magyar Nemzet in connection with the Hungarian prime minister's peace mission. The leader of Hungary's Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) said that Viktor Orban's diplomatic tour had stirred up the pot in an otherwise lethargic situation.

2024. 08. 01. 16:08
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (center) arrives in Moscow for meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 5, 2024 (Photo: courtesy of MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Vivien Cher Benko) Fotó: Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The Hungarian prime minister has embarked on the most significant foreign policy venture in recent years, when he decided to take advantage of the Hungarian EU Presidency to enter into talks with the warring parties in the Russian-Ukrainian war and with the leaders of the world's biggest powers," the Christian Democrats' (KDNP) Parliamentary party group leader Istvan Simicsko, told our newspaper. "Hungary is the only country which, since the outbreak of the war, has consistently taken the position that a ceasefire and the early start of peace negotiations are in the best interests not only of the warring countries but also of Europe. As I have repeatedly stressed, the European Union has become unworthy of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded in 2012," he added.

A lethargic situation

Hungary's junior governing alliance party politician recalled that the EU has been blindly following the interests of the Democratic US leadership for the past two years, instead of building peace, and has been working to fuel the fires of war. In its rhetoric, the EU has chosen a highly provocative tone and is in practice actively involved in prolonging the fighting by imposing shipments of arms supplies and various financial packages, and has brought the whole Bloc into a serious crisis with its senseless sanctions policies.

Europe's competitiveness was heavily dependent on cheap Russian energy. However, far from forcing Russia to end the war prematurely by severing traditional economic ties, Europe has instead lost ground and become an entity without a vision, and mostly just floating with the tide, lacking a viable vision for the future and realistic goals,

the politician stressed.

In his view, Viktor Orban's diplomatic tour stirred things up in this lethargic situation. He recalled that the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, which Hungary holds for six months, does not entail specific foreign policy powers, but it certainly represents an opportunity to promulgate the voice of Hungarians, who have been and are currently also crying out for the common European interest. This voice can now be heard much further afield since it is amplified by a European institution.

It is therefore very important to let the world know that there are not just pro-war voices in Europe. It is extremely regrettable that the anti-Hungarian European People's Party (EPP)-Socialists-Liberals-Greens group leadership in the EU became outraged almost immediately and even threatened to strip us of the Presidency, which would undoubtedly be a move going against the Treaties. The only reason for their reaction is that the Hungarian prime minister has done more for peace in one month than all the Brussels elites have done since the war began,

Istvan Simicsko stated.

Exemplary meetings

He recalled that Mr Orban visited Kyiv, where his talks with the Ukrainian president were also a gesture, as relations between the two countries have not been particularly harmonious in recent years due to Ukraine's adopted minority policy, which have also affected minority Hungarians in Transcarpathia. But the meeting also had further significance, as many left-wing politicians are trying to portray the Hungarian government as pro-Russian and henchmen of Putin.

This is a blatant lie, because the Hungarian government represents the interests of Hungary. If those interests require us to say loudly, even to our allies, that the course they represent leads nowhere but to the suffering and death of innocents, then it is our moral duty to do so, even if we expose ourselves to petty political jabs,

he stressed.

According to the group leader, the meetings with the Russian and Chinese presidents are also exemplary, as it demonstrates that internationally authority of the Hungarian PM far exceeds the level that would be justified by the size and performance of our country. The reality is that Viktor Orban has become a political factor globally, and the Left is unable to swallow this. Without the cooperation of Russia and China, it is hard to imagine an international security system that would guarantee lasting peace and prosperity, so dialogue with these powers is essential. Europe is simply not in a position to impose peace on the parties by any means. The success of the peace mission is therefore in Europe's interest, he said.

The US Democratic leadership is committed to the pro-war side. President Biden's son has personal business interests in Ukraine, according to press reports, and it is assumed that Democratic interests are also benefitting from the conflict, so it is clear that only a Republican president can achieve a swift and lasting peace. Republican candidate Donald Trump has a very good relationship with Viktor Orban. Their conservative views, and their view of the world are very much in line on many significant points. As the saying goes: It is in really difficult situations that you find out who your true friends are,

the politician noted.

The Hungarian prime minister not only tried to maintain good relations with President Trump when he was the top man of the United States, but also consistently stood by him even after his election defeat and when international public opinion attacked him while in the US they were trying to sideline him through various court cases.

The United States elects a new president in the fall. It has been said in several forums that if Trump is elected, he will end the war in short order. What is certain is that the strength of his country and his personal authority and stature are certainly factors that carry the realistic possibility of peace. It is extremely unfortunate that Brussels does not posses these qualities,

he added.

With unshaken faith

"Change is urgent not only because of the war, but because humanity is heading in a very detrimental direction. We have been shaken by two recent assassination attempts. Both attacks were perpetrated against politicians who were interested in returning the world to normalcy. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is a very important ally of Hungary in European politics, regarding migration and national sovereignty issues. And Donald Trump represents the strength and common sense that can stabilize the US position as a world power and, in cooperation with China and Russia, create a lasting security system that guarantees peace and development," Istvan Simicsko stressed.

 KDNP looks on the future with optimism, he said, adding that the party is confident that world politics will take a positive turn, that the war and the economic crisis it caused will end, and that the nation-building work begun in 2010 can be continued with vigor in the new era.

He said that by doubling the family tax allowance, they want to give a new impetus to childbearing in Hungary to achieve more favorable demographic trends and to support economic growth by leaving more money with the people.

Cover photo:  Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (center) arrives in Mocow for meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 5, 2024 (Photo: courtesy of  MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Vivien Cher Benko)



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