Hungary, Equatorial Guinea Launch Cooperation Based On Mutual Respect

Hungary and Equatorial Guinea are launching cooperation in four areas - the economy, energy, water management and education - with relations based on mutual respect, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto announced in Malabo on Monday.

2024. 10. 08. 11:41
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto held talks in Equatorial Guinea (Photo: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto held talks in Equatorial Guinea (Photo: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At a joint press briefing with his Equatorial Guinean counterpart, Simeón Oyono Esono Angue, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto highlighted that Christianity and the Catholic faith are key points of connection between the two countries, providing a strong foundation for building cooperation. Mr. Szijjarto emphasized that this was the first time a Hungarian foreign minister has visited Equatorial Guinea, adding that the relationship between the two countries dates back some time, as one of Hungary’s most beloved saints, Saint Elizabeth of the House of Arpad, is the patron saint of the Central African nation’s capital.

Hungary's foreign minister emphasized that Christianity, the Catholic faith, and the leadership role of the Catholic Church serve as a common bond between the two nations, forming a solid basis for cooperation.

It is an honor to be here, in the African country with the highest proportion of Catholics on the continent,

– he said, adding that his Equatorial Guinean colleague had approached him about two weeks ago at the United Nations General Assembly, and that was when they decided to build a partnership between the two nations. FM Szijjarto pointed out that the world is currently living in an era of threats, noting the war in Ukraine and illegal migration as security challenges that make this new cooperation particularly significant.

Hungary and Equatorial Guinea both belong to the global pro-peace majority, as we - the pro-peace camp - commend an overwhelming majority, globally. Despite what the liberal mainstream media in Europe tries to suggest, the fact is that if we look beyond Europe or the transatlantic world - here, for example, in Africa - it is evident that we, in the pro-peace camp, are the majority,

– he explained.

 – Both countries believe that wars cannot be resolved on the battlefield: the only solution lies at the negotiating table, and supplying weapons will not solve the problem, it only increases the risk of escalation and leads to a rise in the number of dead," Mr. Szijjarto added. He also pointed out that Africa is on the brink of a big population boom, therefore a comprehensive development strategy is essential. Without such a strategy, he argued, two scenarios are likely: either one of the most severe humanitarian crises in history will unfold in Africa, or Europe will face the most intense migration pressure it has ever experienced. 

We want to avoid both, and we are committed to doing our part in addressing these challenges,

– he stressed. 

FM Szijjarto announced that, in this context, Hungary is initiating a cooperation with Equatorial Guinea based on mutual respect, focusing on four key areas: economy, energy, water management, and education. He stressed that a political consultation agreement has been signed, and discussions are underway regarding an economic cooperation agreement. One of the main goals is for Hungarian companies to share their expertise to help Equatorial Guinea address its water management challenges, modernize its water supply systems, and improve water security.

The cooperation will also focus on the fact that Equatorial Guinea is an OPEC member and an important producer of oil and natural gas. However, both its oil and gas fields are aging and becoming depleted. We, in Hungary, have developed a technology that allows for the continued extraction of resources from aging oil and gas fields in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. With this technology, we can contribute to the development of Equatorial Guinea’s economy,

– he said. Hungary's foreign minister also mentioned that there is considerable interest in Hungarian agricultural and food industry technologies. He said the two sides agreed that Equatorial Guinean students will be able to study at Hungarian universities with government scholarships, focusing primarily on medical training. He noted that this is particularly important because the country is undergoing major healthcare expansions, but there is a shortage of skilled professionals. – "We are committed to welcoming Equatorial Guinean medical students to Hungary's globally recognized healthcare education institutions, where they can receive training. After their studies, they will be able to return and contribute to ensuring that the people of Equatorial Guinea receive proper healthcare services," Mr. Szijjarto explained.

It's an honor to be the first Hungarian foreign minister to visit here, and we look forward to welcoming you in Budapest to sign our finalized agreements on both our economic cooperation and scholarship programs,

– FM Szijjarto told his counterpart.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto held talks in Equatorial Guinea (Photo: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)

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