Janos Lazar: Listen to Hungarians, They're Right in the End + Video

The minister for construction and transport gives address at the Hungarian Opera in Cluj-Napoca.

Forrás: MTI2024. 10. 24. 15:49
Hungarian Construction and Transport Minister Janos Lazar addresses audience gathered in Cluj-napoca (Kolozsvar) for the commemoration of Hungary's 1956 Revolution (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"It is worth paying attention to the Hungarians, because in the end, the Hungarians always prove to be right. This was the case in 1848 and in 1956, and it will be the case in 2024, as well," Janos Lazar said at the commemoration ceremony in the Hungarian Opera House in Cluj-mapoca (Kolozsvar) marking the 68th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence.

"Every national holiday carries a message of togetherness,"

the Hungarian minister for construction and transport stressed, explaining that Hungarians, united in language, culture and history, have always been a minority, and this has taught them to not give up, and that they can only rely on themselves.

In addition to our language, culture, way of thinking and faith, we are united by a never-ending desire for independence,

the minister emphasized in a post on social media, also pointing out that the validity of those who fought in 1956 is still present in us today, both within and beyond our borders, and our desire for freedom and our commitment to self-determination remain unbroken.

"We are connected together by our desire for independence, that defiant, persistent will to remain a self-reliant nation through every age," the minister said.

Cover photo: Hungarian Construction and Transport Minister Janos Lazar addresses audience gathered in Cluj-napoca (Kolozsvar) for the commemoration of Hungary's 1956 Revolution (Source: Facebook)

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