The Money Left-Wing Influencers Make

Several opinion leaders who regularly denigrate Hungary could be on the US payroll.

2024. 10. 14. 11:45
Vérszemet kaptak David Pressman influenszerei, amerikai nagykövet
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Content producers critical of the government, opposition influencers and erstwhile comedians calling for a change of government were in focus on HirTV's most recent program Celpont. Most of them have become known on YouTube for their video content. In addition to discussing public issues in their videos, they mostly formulate messages critical of the government and sharply criticize the governing parties, which seems to be a source for earning a handsome living. Just to recall, this year's February, influencers critical of the government took to the streets and staged a demonstration.

In this anti-government genre, Edina Pottyondy, a former Momentum politician, is among the most popular YouTubers.

Zsolt Osvath, a former reality show actor, now a restaurant owner and content creator, is also popular. Initially, he sought to attract attention by working as a gay and transvestite performer. In the run-up to the 2022 parliamentary elections, he interviewed representatives of opposition parties. 

Besides videos critical of the government, how else can these people be familiar? That's right, from the photos released by the US ambassador in Budapest. David Pressman regularly meets with local influencers, content creators and singers at the US embassy in Budapest. In recent months, many people have been invited to Pressman's evening seances, but the exact purpose of these dinners was never disclosed,

Boglarka Futo, the presenter of Celpont, highlighted, adding that the US ambassador has supported the activities of the producers of the program Jolvanezigy with more than five million forints this year.


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