Patriots for Europe EP Group Keeps Growing

MEPs of the Polish Confederation Party announced that they have joined the Patriots for Europe EP group.

2024. 10. 04. 14:20
The Patriots for Europe EP group
The Patriots for Europe EP group (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Polish politicians Anna Brylka and Tomasz Buczek have joined the Patriots for Europe EP group, now composed of 86 MEPs. After the announcement, Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal welcomed the new members on Facebook.

At today's Patriots for Europe group meeting, we congratulated our Czech and Austrian allies on their victories in the recent elections and welcomed two new Polish MEPs, Anna Brylka and Tomasz Buczek. The group is now made up of 14 parties and 86 members from 13 countries,

MEP Kinga Gal posted on Facebook.

In the European Parliament elections in June 2024, the Polish Confederation Party won six seats, but internal divisions soon split the party. Three MPs - Ewa Zajaczkowska-Hernik, Stanislaw Tyszka and Marcin Sypniewski - joined the new Europe of Sovereign Nations group, while the other three MEPs remained independent, at least initially. With Brylka and Buczek joining the Patriots for Europe group, there is now only one Confederation MEP left who is not a member in any of the major EP groups.

In a statement posted on the social media platform X, Anna Brylka said that "long negotiations" preceded the decision. She stressed that the goal was to join the largest right-wing group in this term of the European Parliament and thus better represent Polish national interests.

We will work together with the National Rally, the VOX and the Fidesz and will represent the Polish national interests in the Patriots for Europe group with dignity,

Brylka said, adding that she believes joining the Patriots group will help Confederation MEPs promote their political agenda more effectively in the European Parliament. 

Cover photo: The Patriots for Europe EP group (Source: Facebook)

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