PM Orban: Europe Must Be Protected from European Left

Propaganda driven by party politics has prevented a meaningful debate in the European Parliament.

2024. 10. 10. 14:37
Prime Minister Viktor Orban presents the Hungarian EU presidency's program to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 9, 2024
Prime Minister Viktor Orban presents the Hungarian EU presidency's program to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 9, 2024 (Photo: Sandor Csudai)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At the end of the European Parliament's debate on the Hungarian EU presidency's program, Viktor Orban was given the floor again to respond to comments.

Unfortunately, the debate has gone beyond the bounds of reason and far beyond the realm of facts. I have listened to you and most often I have heard only absurd accusations driven by party politics, which is the all too familiar propaganda,

Hungary's prime minister pointed out.

I would have been quite happy to have discussed questions other than the the Hungarian presidency's program, such as the rule of law or corruption. But unfortunately, your propaganda has not made that possible. I would have liked to be able to say that the according to the European Commission's report, Hungary has met all the requests and requirements made by the Commission in relation to the judiciary. And I would have liked to have said that if you read data published by the World Bank, rather than corruption reports funded by George Soros, you would see that Hungary is up to scratch in that regard. It is no different from your countries. If there had been a meaningful debate, I would have been happy to say that the Commission itself has found Hungary's public procurement system to be fully in line with the requirements set out. I would have been happy to be able to say that the most recent Pew Research study found that the proportion of Hungarian respondents who said they were satisfied with the state of democracy in their country was higher than that in most other European countries,

PM Orban said.

It is possibly not by chance that Hungarian voters have consistently put their trust in us at elections,

Viktor Orban noted.
"So I would have liked to say all these thing, but the debate went beyond the realm of facts, and unfortunately, the EP has become a field of cheap propaganda," he added.

Someone asked me how I feel when accusations of corruption are leveled at me and my country. I'm used to it. It's been the same for the last 35 years. Everyone knows that none of this is true, it's all left-wing propaganda. So I can cope with that quite well. Thank you for asking,

PM Orban said, adding that "However, there were some strong political points that I cannot leave without making a comment. I think MEP Daniel Freud, who is accusing Hungary of corruption, is in fact the most corrupt person, because he is paid by George Soros. It is George Soros who pays for those reports that aim to discredit Hungary. I have never seen bigger corruption in my life,"

Viktor Orban stressed.

A Dutch MEP has said that they, the Dutch, are financing Hungary. I assume that not only the Netherlands, but also the net paying countries were meant here. I'd like to reject this on behalf of Hungary. You are taking far more money out of Hungary than you are sending to us. You're all gaining from us, you're all gaining a great deal of money from us. You're not doing us favors when you provide Hungary with EU funds. They all end up in your pockets. Look at Hungary's statistics! The profits foreign investors make far exceed the amount you give to Hungary,

Hungary's prime minister said.

You're making money out of this, you are not supporting Hungary

Viktor Orban emphasized.

"I find it objectionable that some of the representatives of rich countries behave as if they were supporting us without self-interest, just because of European values. That's not the case. They simply want to make money out of the Hungarians," he added.

AI find it absurd that here, in the plenary of the European Parliament, we all have to listen to a speech about the rule of law from MEP Salis, who beat peaceful people with iron bars in the streets of Budapest. And here she is giving us a lecture on the rule of law?

PM Orban commented.

I find it absurd also, honorable madam president, that we have had MEP Wilmes from Belgium lecturing Hungary on the rule of law.  And when we want to hold a conference on the rule of law in Brussels, they ban our event? This is no joke! It is not absurd! Is this possible?

Vikt Orban highlighted.

"Unfortunately, I also had to hear Hungarian MEPs say that we do not care about people's problems. But I heard this from an MEP, a Hungarian MEP, whose party received eight percent in the last EP elections. Our party secured forty-five. So who is taking care of people and their problems?" - the prime minister asked.

The MEP of the European Socialists accuses us of having too close relations with President Putin. So, dear MEP Klara Dobrev, when your husband was Hungary's prime minister, President Putin was sitting in your kitchen. At the time, you were proud of this, and the photos of the visit flooded the Hungarian media. And yet it is you accusing us?

PM Orban said.

In general, I must say, and I apologize to the MEPs, that they have unwittingly got involved in a Hungarian domestic political debate that has taken place here in front of your very eyes. You can think many things about this, but you can see one thing for sure. Hungarian democracy is doing fine, thank you very much. Vigorous and strong,

Viktor Orban remarked.

I am sorry that the Hungarian MEPs have made this meeting today the subject and occasion of Hungarian domestic political discussions. I don't think it is right that this has happened, but there is nothing I can do, apart from making a few comments here. I am convinced that it is not right for Hungarian MEPs to attack their own country in the European Parliament. What kind of people use an international forum to attack their own country?

PM Orban pointed out.

I also find it absurd what I have to say about a Hungarian MEP sitting in the EPP, because our Hungarian colleague recently told the Hungarian public that being an MEP is the greatest sham job, which is only there to make a good living. And now he is receiving your support,

the Hungarian prime minister said.

"I think it is egregious that a Hungarian should talk about abuse of power here, while there is an ongoing criminal procedure against him for theft at home, and he had taken on his mandate only to hide behind his MEP immunity. This is what you support dear Mr Weber, this is your moral responsibility. All in all, madam president, I must conclude that democracy for the Left only exists as long as the Left wins, and ends as soon as the Right wins," Viktor Orban said.

"This debate has clearly shown me that Europe is to be protected from you, from the European Left,"

PM Oran said in conclusion.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban presents the Hungarian EU presidency's program to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 9, 2024 (Photo: Sandor Csudai)

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