PM Orban: Instead of Representing European Interests, Brussels Bent on Bringing Down Hungarian Government

Economic neutrality will mean 3-6% economic growth from the beginning of 2025, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. In his weekly Friday morning interview on Kossuth Radio he also said that negotiations with trade unions on wage increases are progressing well, with sights set on the average salary reaching one million forints (just under 2500 EUR) in Hungary. Furthermore, the workers' loan program will be ready and the Demjan Sandor program to help small and medium-sized enterprises.

2024. 10. 11. 11:07
Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök. Fotó: MTI/ Fischer Zoltán
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"We have a well thought-out program, an excellent comprehensive plan put together under the leadership of Minister Janos Boka. We could have had a high-quality debate on why the European economy is in trouble," Viktor Orban said in the Good Morning Hungary program on Kossuth Radio referring to the debate in the European Parliament.

The EU is struggling with migrants and the green transition, while the money of the Bloc's citizens ends up in the US.

They envisioned a political fisticuffs and attacked us,

he described the scene at this week's debate in the European Parliament. 

"When you're attacked like that, you have two options: let go and turn a deaf ear to what they say or rebuke it, I chose the latter."

The nature of the response followed from their's. Some verbal punches landed,

the PM said, noting that European culture had always been considered a qualitative term in the minds of Hungarian people, however the quality of debates in the EU don't reach that mark.

Brussels set on ousting the government

Ursula von der Leyen and Manfred Weber had announced their intention to bring down the Hungarian government, which they openly flung in Hungary's face, instead of dealing with European affairs, Mr Orban said.

They even named who the members of a new government should be, among others Klara Dobrev and Peter Magyar,

he stressed, noting that the two named politicians have made clear that they are ready to do what Brussels demands.

According to the prime minister, a Dobrev-Magyar government would accomplish four things: engage in the Ukraine war, allow the migrants in, abolish family protection laws, and enter into the economic cold war.


Hungarians decide their own future

The PM said we must make clear that we understand what their plan is, but that we are here, too.

Brussels may want this, but the Hungarians will have a word or two to say about this. We will not allow it. Let the Hungarians decide the kind of government they want,

he underlined, remarking that this is just like the Soviet Union, and that Hungarians do not want to go back there. Our greatest ally is a reality check and public opinion, the PM said, adding that this is why he whips out the facts. He believes the Brusselites actually don't want this battle because they have too much to hide, and so they will return to European-style politics.


Saving Schengen, halting migration

The prime minister recalled that the last time Hungary held the EU presidency was in 2011, when we had to deal with the effects of the 2008 economic crisis. This is when a panel of EU prime ministers from the euro area was set up. This became the Eurozone Council. Hungary is not a eurozone member, he said, but we have been invited to their meetings many times. The same should be done regarding the Schengen area, Hungary’s prime minister proposed.

The prime ministers in the Schengen system should take decisions on migration, leaving the Commission out of it. Frontex, the EU's border protection agency, should be placed under this body,

he said.

PM Orban pointed out that

governments fall because of migration. The streets that used to be safe are no longer safe, and the threat of terrorism has also increased, he said.

"A turnaround has taken place," Viktor Orban said, adding that attitudes towards the issue of migration are beginning to change throughout Europe.


Explosive growth is expected

Speaking about the competitiveness trap, he said that positions are far apart, so Hungary should be concerned only with itself.

We have put together an action plan to give Hungary a new impetus,

 he said. He explained that

economic neutrality will mean economic growth of 3 to 6 percent. He noted that this will not be seen in the current quarter, but explosive growth is expected in early 2025.

He went on to say that progress needs to be made on affordable housing and that the government is ready to negotiate with Budapest.

We will support housing in rural areas, also using people’s savings,

he said.

He also highlighted that

negotiations with the trade unions on wages are progressing well, with the aim of achieving an average wage of one million forints in Hungary. In addition, the worker loan scheme will be completed, and the Demjan Sandor program will help small and medium-sized businesses.

"I am focusing on this, and the people in Brussels should drink what they have brewed," he added.


Hungarians should be consulted

This program requires economic growth, PM Orban pointed out.

The resources for this must come from the internal growth of Hungary’s economy,

which is possible in the Hungarian prime minister' view.

These measures need to be discussed with the people, and this economic policy also requires a new accord,

he stressed.

The debate on consumption is not a healthy debate in PM Orban’s view. People get their pay and may want to save money right now, so they should decide for themselves. People know best what they want to do with their income, he opined. The prime minister pointed out

the problem is that manufacturing in the European automotive industry has slowed down. Hungary is a major automotive power, with all the big German brands present in Hungary. Manufacturers are now switching to electric vehicle production.


We are two or three steps ahead of the world

"All the major car manufacturers will remain here in Hungary, because investments have begun that will keep production in Hungary in the car industry of the future. This is a huge accomplishment. People don't see this today, but in a few years' time it will be evident that we are two or three steps ahead of the world," he said.

The prime minister believes that car production may regain momentum in the second half of next year, which is why he dares to say economic growth of 3 to 6 percent.

The prospects for Hungary's economy are bright, PM Orban said in conclusion.

Cover photo: In the photo released by the Hungarian PM's Press Office, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (r) speaks in his weekly Friday morning interview on public radio on October 4, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Fischer)


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