Think Tank Chief: Argentina and Hungary Fight for the Same Values

In an interview with the Argentine press, the director of the Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights emphasized the necessity of strengthening ties between the Hungarian government and conservative leaders in Latin America.

2024. 10. 26. 16:07
Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: MTI/Bodnar Boglarka)
Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: MTI/Bodnar Boglarka)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Javier Milei fights for the same values as Hungarian conservatives, stressed Miklos Szanto, director of the Center for Fundamental Rights (AK) and organizer of the CPAC Conservative Political Conference, during his visit to Argentina. In an interview with Mundo Libre, Mr. Szanto stated that the Hungarian Prime Minister and the Argentine President represent the same values, placing a focus on national sovereignty, the protection of family, religion and traditional values, while working to curb the spread of woke ideology and globalization.

Mr. Szanto emphasized that the goal of the Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights (AK) is to strengthen the international alliance of national forces and to build a related conservative network that unites anti-globalist forces that protect traditional values. He noted that several steps have already been taken in Europe to achieve this, such as the opening of AK's Madrid office and the formation of the European Parliamentary Group of Patriots, along with increasingly close ties to conservative organizations in the United States.

There are many allies in the Latin American region who share the same worldview as the Hungarian government,

 – Mr. Szanto highlighted. He said he believes that strong international alliances are essential for defending Hungarian interests, not to mention that joint efforts can more effectively advance common objectives. He added that he came to Argentina to expand their initiatives to the Spanish-speaking world and to establish closer connections with like-minded conservative leaders in Latin America, including Javier Milei.

According to Mr. Szanto, the left is very organized on the international level, particularly through the Open Society Network backed by George Soros, which has similar goals to the São Paulo Forum in South America, aimed at weakening conservative values. He pointed out that cooperation between European conservatives and the South American right could strengthen defenses against this targeted attack. Regarding woke ideology, Mr. Szanto remarked that he sees it as a new form of Marxism that seeks to achieve old socialist goals, such as undermining national identity, religion, and the institution of family through soft power. He added that

in his opinion, Western Europe is now practically lost in the web of illegal migration and gender ideology, but Central European countries like Hungary, as well as leaders like Javier Milei and Donald Trump, have a chance to defend traditional values and push back against globalist ambitions.

The director of the Center for Fundamental Rights also underlined that the upcoming U.S. elections on November 5 will be crucial for the preservation of Western civilization, because a potential Trump victory, for example, could bring a significant turnaround in ideological struggles. He expressed hope that it could also lead to a peaceful resolution regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, which is key for Hungary, a country in Ukraine's direct vicinity.

In the coming days, the Hungarian delegation led by Mr. Szanto will continue working on building international alliances in the Latin American region. They are currently in Paraguay and their next visit will take place in Chile.

Cover photo: Miklos Szantho, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: MTI/Bodnar Boglarka)

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