Another Event Confirms: Peter Magyar Is Brussels' Man

Peter Magyar hosted a forum - advertized by the so-called Tisza-islands - at the European Parliament's London office, which means his Tisza Party received EU-funded infrastructure for its campaign event. Recently, the logo of Manfred Weber’s European People’s Party has appeared at several stops on Mr. Magyar’s campaign trail, providing further evidence that Peter Magyar is Brussels' candidate.

2024. 12. 07. 16:39
Peter Magyar and Manfred Weber (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On Thursday, Peter Magyar hosted a so-called Tisza-islands event in London. 


The event took place at the European Parliament's London office, and it was live-streamed bearing the Tisza Party's logo. By the fifth minute of his Hungarian-language address, Mr. Magyar had already turned to discussing the 2026 general elections, clearly leveraging EU-funded infrastructure for campaign purposes and his own political agenda.


It is worth noting that the logo of Manfred Weber’s European People’s Party appeared at several events of Mr. Magyar’s recent campaign trail. In November, it came to light that the liberal politician’s nation-wide campaign tour was organized with the backing of Mr. Weber’s party alliance.



Furthermore, Mr. Magyar recently admitted in an interview that Tisza Party members wore Ukrainian national-colored shirts during a European Parliament session on the 1,000th day of the Russia-Ukraine war at the request of the EPP. In a video interview, he stated: “There was a request from the People’s Party to its representatives before they entered the chamber to wear the shirts. This wasn’t communicated in advance or anything like that, but two or three of our delegates decided to comply.”

Mr. Magyar’s confidant Zoltan Tarr - the head of Tisza Party's delegation in the European Parliament - previously acknowledged that they adhere closely to Manfred Weber’s directives. As Mr. Tarr put it, “We rely on the People’s Party position, which is a kind of obligation. We accepted and continue to accept the EPP's stance and make it our own.” The Tisza Party also voted in favor of a pro-war European Parliament resolution on September 19 that called for increased weapon deliveries. 

This recent event in London provides further evidence that Peter Magyar is Brussels’ candidate, receiving support in advancing his political goals and campaign activities.

Cover photo: Peter Magyar and Manfred Weber (Photo: AFP)


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