Hungary's PM Was Right, as Acknowledged by Brussels

At this year’s final EU summit, Prime Minister Viktor Orban emphasized that the Russia–Ukraine war remained the most critical political issue. However, a lack of consensus within the EU left no room for maneuver on the matter. While PM Orban called for a ceasefire, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Antonio Costa - President of the European Council - backed the continuation of pro-war measures. The 130 billion euros that Brussels has spent on Ukraine is glaringly absent from the European economy and Europe's competitiveness, Daniel Deak, an analyst at the 21st Century Institute, told our newspaper. While the Hungarian prime minister's warnings were once disregarded, an increasing number of countries now share his viewpoint.

2024. 12. 20. 12:47
Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks at an international press conference following the EU summit of heads of state and government in Brussels (Photo: MTI / Tamas Purger)
Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks at an international press conference following the EU summit of heads of state and government in Brussels (Photo: MTI / Tamas Purger) Forrás: MTVA - Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és Vagyonkezelõ Alap/Brüsszel, 2024. december 19. Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök az EU-tagországok állam- és kormányfõinek brüsszeli csúcstalálkozója után tartott nemzetközi sajtótájékoztatón 2024. december 19-én. MTI/Purger Tamás
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Russia-Ukraine war was the most significant political topic at this year’s final EU summit. However, Prime Minister Viktor Orban  found no room for maneuver regarding the issue, due to the absence of consensus within the EU. 

ORBÁN Viktor; VON DER LEYEN, Ursula; COSTA, António
Prime Minister Viktor Orban, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and European Council President Antonio Costa (from left to right) at the international press conference following the summit of the EU member states' heads of state and government in Brussels. Photo: MTI/Purger Tamas

If there is no consensus, it is impossible to act on behalf of the European Council. Everything that could be done regarding the war had to be done independently of the presidency, rather than within its framework,

– Mr. Orban explained at the press briefing following the summit. 


Viktor Orban advocates for peace 

While PM Orban argued for a ceasefire and peace, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Antonio Costa, President of the European Council, consistently pushed for measures that would prolong the war in Ukraine. Both emphasized that the European Union must be prepared to mobilize every resource to support Ukraine “until the Ukrainians defeat the Russians.”

The European Union's continued pro-war position was evident not just in the current press conference but also in previous statements from Brussels. It was revealed that 130 billion euros have already been spent on Ukraine, with plans to increase this by an additional 30 billion euros. This staggering amount of money is missing from the European economy and undermines European competitiveness,

– Daniel Deak, an analyst at the 21st Century Institute, stated in response to our inquiry. He highlighted that Europe’s competitiveness is alarmingly weak, with global competitors leaving Europe behind. Mr. Deak recalled that current discussions among EU leaders appear to echo warnings made years ago by PM Orban, who was not taken seriously at the time despite his concerns about Europe’s waning competitiveness.

PM Orban highlighted that Donald Trump, the newly elected U.S. President, will be inaugurated on January 20, heralding a shift in U.S. and NATO positions on the war. Mr. Orban argued that a pro-peace administration in Washington should prompt the European Union to align its policies on Ukraine accordingly, Mr. Deak explained.


A Christmas ceasefire 

As you know, we've done much already, and now a proposal for a Christmas ceasefire is also on the table, although not under the presidency’s framework,

– PM Orban recalled. Responding to a journalist's question, he emphasized that everyone wants a lasting solution and peace, and everyone appears to discuss these, and think in terms of broad geopolitical frameworks.

In our recent initiative, we did not does articulate any grand geopolitical or peace settlement goals. We frequently talk about European values, but I believe the most important value is life itself,

– Mr.Orban emphasized. “Soon, it’s Christmas. I see no reason why people should continue dying on the frontlines, at least for the two or three days of Orthodox Christmas. I have taken steps toward this goal. Similarly, I see no reason why the parties cannot agree to release several hundred prisoners - let’s say 700 on each side - to return home, at least for those few days.”

This may seem insignificant compared to geopolitical objectives, but if a few thousand fewer people die at Christmas and a few hundred fathers can return to their families, that is a European interest. I have made this proposal because I believe that it's achievable,

– PM Orban emphasized.

Ukrajna a saját sírját ássa a háború eszkalálásával
Ukraine is digging its own grave by escalating the war (Photo: AFP)

The Hungarian precidency was successful 

PM Orban also evaluated Hungary’s EU presidency at the press briefing, a subject on which Ursula von der Leyen also spoke positively.

Many decisions were made, and the Hungarian presidency has managed to finalize issues that the EU had kept postponing for years, even decades. For instance, Romania's and Bulgaria's Schengen membership was also achieved under the Hungarian presidency,

– analyst Daniel Deak noted. He added that another significant achievement was reaching an agreement among EU agricultural ministers on post-2027 agricultural subsidies. “This historic agreement is also thanks to the Hungarian presidency,” he said.


Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks at an international press conference following the EU summit of heads of state and government in Brussels (Photo: MTI / Tamas Purger)

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