Balazs Hidveghi: Brussels Wants a Puppet Government, but Hungary Stands Firm

Results of the national consultation survey reinforced national sovereignty.

2025. 01. 19. 16:43
Illustration (Source: Facebook/Mate Kocsis)
Illustration (Source: Facebook/Mate Kocsis)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The government’s position and negotiation strength are bolstered by the fact that over 1.35 million people participated in the national consultation survey, Balazs Hidveghi told Kossuth Radio on Sunday morning.

Hungary's practice of involving citizens in decision-making is unprecedented in Europe,

and the number of participants in the most recent national consultation was once again remarkable, emphasized the parliamentary state secretary of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office.

Hungarians have stood up for national self-determination and economic sovereignty," sending a clear message to Brussels and its "representatives and puppets," who pursue goals contrary to Hungary’s interests, said the state secretary.

Brussels essentially wants a puppet government, [...] and they now openly admit this,

Balazs Hidveghi stressed, adding that Hungary, however, remains stable and, "with the support of the people, will continue to do so in the long term".

As regards the topics of the consultation, he said that there is already strong interest in the possibilities of workers' loan  and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). On the issue of the 13th month pension, Balazs Hidveghi affirmed that the government is convinced that people rightfully expect this benefit, which retirees are entitled to it, and that is why the government decided to make it permanent.

"Hungary's economy is open," welcoming investors and partners from both East and West. While Brussels has recently "sought to restrict this openness, [...]Hungarians have stood firm on independent decision-making, [...] and the consultation reinforced national sovereignty," the parliamentary state secretary highlighted.

Energy prices are linked to the principle of striving for economic neutrality, and the government remains committed to maintaining reduced utility costs,

Hidveghi pointed out, emphasizing that Hungary must resist pressures that would lead to rising utility prices.

On Europe’s global competitiveness, Balazs Hidveghi said that its decline can only be reversed with a "more market-friendly, investor-friendly, bureaucracy-free, and ideology-free approach," which Hungary advocates.

On incoming US President Donald Trump, Hidveghi noted that agreements could be reached based on shared interests, as Trump’s views on key issues – such as the protection of traditional values, support for families, rejection of illegal migration, and the pursuit of peace – align with Hungary’s stance. Trump’s leadership will trigger significant changes in global politics, Balazs Hidveghi said, highlighting that 

in this new situation, "Hungary’s chances and opportunities will expand".

Cover photo: Illustration (Source: Facebook/Mate Kocsis)

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