The recent session of the European Parliament’s LIBE Committee once again centered on Hungary's rule-of-law situation.

State Secretary Barna Pal Zsigmond delivered a scathing criticism of EU institutions, emphasizing that
Hungary has met all the conditions in order to access EU funds.
In his address, he pointed out that the European Union often applies double standards when it comes to Hungary, while similar cases in other member states are swiftly resolved.
He cited Poland as an example, where the rule-of-law procedure was immediately terminated following the inauguration of a left-wing government.
“These double standards are outrageous,” Mr. Zsigmond declared.
The politician highlighted that the Hungarian government has implemented all reform measures demanded by the European Commission in recent years, particularly in the area of judicial reforms.
The European Parliament continues to attack Hungary for political reasons, ignoring our real achievements,
– he added. Mr. Zsigmond also reminded the assembly that the Hungarian people have repeatedly reaffirmed the government’s two-thirds mandate in democratic elections.
"The will of the Hungarian people cannot be bypassed, neither in Brussels nor anywhere else,” he asserted. During the debate, Mr. Zsigmond called on EU decision-makers to cease their unjustified attacks and return to the principle of equal treatment.
This is the only way we can collectively advance Europe’s interests and address real challenges,
– he concluded his speech.
Tineke Strik, a Dutch Green Party MEP and the European Parliament’s new permanent rapporteur on Hungary, also attended the LIBE Committee meeting, utilizing the occasion to attack Hungary once again. When Ilaria Salis's ongoing case in Hungary was raised, the speaker almost immediately silenced by the session chair, presumably due to the ongoing proceedings regarding the suspension of the Italian MEP’s immunity. Apparently, Hungary’s rule-of-law debate does not permit any mention of a LIBE Committee member who, along with her far-left associates, attacked and physically assaulted several innocent bystanders on the streets of Budapest last February.
At the end of the session, State Secteraty Barna Pal Zsigmond said this way the type of debate he expected, but he also emphasized that Hungary was ready for dialogue and remains committed to consistently representing its position.
In closing, he declared: Hungary is not seeking an alternative to Europe but rather an alternative European cooperation—one that strengthens the continent based on shared values.
Cover Photo: State Secretary Barna Pal Zsigmond (Photo: MTI/Bolgarka Bodnar)