Peter Magyar's Charade Continues, True Intentions Exposed

The Tisza Party president is soliciting an unwarranted amount of personal data from voters, Tamas Deutsch points out.

2025. 01. 15. 11:42
Tisza Party President and MEP Peter Magyar (Photo: Mediaworks/Gabor Markovics)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Peter Magyar's fake voting stunt is nothing but shameless data harvesting. It is clear as day that this whole so-called voting scheme of Magyar is just a cheap smokescreen," Tamas Deutsch stated on his social media account.

According to the Fidesz MEP, it was never in doubt that the president of the Tisza Party would want to hold onto, as Peter Magyar himself put it, his "fake job for 20,000 euros a month" at all costs.

After all, without the MEP position, there's no money. And even more importantly, without the MEP position, there's no right to immunity either,

Deutsch added.

The governing party politician believes that Peter Magyar's so-called vote is a clear and shameless act of data collecting. Deutsch pointed out that the Tisza Party leader is conducting an online survey that basically requires a simple yes or no response, yet he is asking voters for their names, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresse, and year of birth.

Why? Because this is nothing but shameless data harvesting,

Tamas Deutsch emphasized, also claiming that Peter Magyar’s actions are unlawful.

Phone theft is illegal—it’s a criminal offense. And so is data harvesting. Not just a little, but very much so, period,

he added.

As Magyar Nemzet reported earlier, Peter Magyar launched a vote on Monday to decide whether he should remain an MEP. While the vote was slated to close Tuesday at 7 PM, he extended the deadline to Wednesday noon without any explanation.

This move enables Peter Magyar to unjustifiably collect even more personal data from voters.

Cover Image: Tisza Party President and MEP Peter Magyar (Photo: Mediaworks/Gabor Markovics)

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