Tamas Deutsch: No MEP Position Means No Right to Immunity

The Fidesz–KDNP member of the European Parliament delivered a sharp critique aimed at Peter Magyar.

2025. 01. 14. 16:01
Fidesz-Christian Democrat MEP Tamas Deutsch (Source: Facebook/Tamas Deutsch)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The vote begins tomorrow morning on whether I should continue my work in Brussels and Strasbourg alongside my party leadership role," Peter Magyar posed this rhetorical question yesterday afternoon. Tamas Deutsch, head of the Fidesz–Christian Democrats (Fidesz-KDNP) delegation in the European Parliament, posted about this on social media. According to Deutsch, the real question is whether Tisza Party chief Peter Magyar should finally start doing substantive work in Brussels after six months of idling.

Deutsch wrote,

Putting it more precisely, I'll quote a classic statement by the president of the Tisza Party: 'Being an MEP is the biggest sham job in the world, paying 20,000 euros a month.' Decide whether I should continue to have this sham job for 20,000 euros a month.

The Fidesz-KDNP MEP added:

Dear Mr. Magyar, you of all people know that no MEP position means no right to immunity. No immunity means that a criminal proceeding will be carried out over your phone theft. And if there’s a criminal proceeding, jail time may be the consequence for the common crime committed (as is the case for so many other offenders).

Referring to Peter Magyar’s recent attempts at singing in public, Deutsch closed his post with this jab:

And you know, though you don’t sing it the best: ‘The sun never shines through the prison window.’ So, I’d bet my life that you’ll end up keeping that 'sham job'. Alongside your party leadership role, of course.

Cover Image: Fidesz-Christian Democrat MEP Tamas Deutsch (Photo: Facebook/Tamas Deutsch)

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