Disgraced Pressman Continues to Berate Hungary

The former US ambassador, who left Hungary in disgrace, refuses to remain silent. This time, David Pressman criticized Hungary on US national radio.

2025. 02. 26. 10:32
David Pressman, former US ambassador to Hungary (Photo: Anadolu via AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

David Pressman, former US ambassador to Hungary, seems to believe he has not yet done enough damage to US-Hungary relations. This time, he continued his dig at Hungary on American public radio station NPR.

David Pressman, az Egyesült Államok volt budapesti nagykövete
David Pressman, former US ambassador to Budapet (Photo: NurPhoto via AFP)

The former ambassador accused Prime Minister Viktor Orban of constructing a system where institutions are "captured" while the judiciary and press freedom have been weakened. The Hungarian government is trying to sell the narrative, both at home and abroad, that Hungary is a bulwark of conservative values, but what is happening in the country is not conservatism, it is corruption, he added.

When asked what allows Viktor Orban to remain in power, he argued that in Hungary, it became "existentially challenging" to exist outside the Fidesz. He also criticized the restructuring of Hungarian universities, even though the reporter reminded him that US Vice-President J.D. Vance has previously pointed to Hungary’s higher education model as an example for the United States.

As Magyar Nemzet reported, the Tuzfalcsoport recently wrote in a post:

Although his interventions in Hungary's internal affairs failed to achieve the goals envisioned by the progressive-globalist elite, the international leftist network rewards Pressman for his efforts. The disgraced ambassador can now return to the Soros empire’s law firm, which had compensated him with over 600 million Hungarian forints before his mission in Hungary.

Cover photo: David Pressman, former US ambassador to Hungary (Photo: Anadolu via AFP)

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