Disgraced U.S. Ambassador Returns to Law Firm Tied to Soros Network

Although his attempts to interfere in Hungary’s internal affairs failed to achieve the goals envisioned by the progressive-globalist elite, Pressman’s efforts are nonetheless being rewarded by the international left-wing network. The disgraced ambassador now "slouches" back to the Soros empire’s law firm, which had granted him more than 600 million forints in compensation prior to his assignment in Hungary, according to an analysis by Tuzfalcsoport (Firewall Brigade).

2025. 02. 26. 10:58
Former U.S. Ambassador David Pressman (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The disgraced U.S. ambassador’s deliberate interference in Hungary’s internal affairs and political processes—as well as the motivations behind them—have long been linked to George Soros and his network, as previously revealed by the investigative Tuzfalcsoport (Firewall Brigade). As the group’s report states, between 2016 and 2020, David Pressman served as executive director of the Clooney Foundation for Justice, an organization founded by Hollywood actor George Clooney and his wife, both close confidants of the American speculator and vocal critics of Hungary. Among its stated objectives, the NGO aims to "combat injustices against LGBTQ+ individuals and minorities," an effort that has received more than half a million dollars in funding from Soros since 2021.

However, the disgraced ambassador was also an employee of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Chicago, where he handled "litigation, public speaking, education, and advocacy." ACLU is essentially the American equivalent of Hungary’s TASZ. According to its website, the NGO considers itself "the guardian of liberty" in the United States, working through the courts, legislatures, and communities to "protect and preserve individual rights and freedoms." The ACLU claims to champion causes such as "achieving full equality for LGBTQ individuals" and "defending abortion rights," taking on the "toughest civil liberties issues" to "protect all people from government overreach and abuses."

The Open Society Foundations is continuously funding ACLU, providing the organization with $15 million in grants in 2022 alone (more than 5.6 billion forints at the exchange rate at the time).

Before being appointed U.S. Ambassador to Hungary, Pressman was also a partner at Jenner & Block in New York, where he co-chaired the firm’s human rights division. His pre-appointment ethics disclosure revealed that in 2021, he received more than $1.73 million (exceeding 600 million forints) in compensation from the international law firm.

And now, the disgraced ambassador returns to his former employer.

The latest announcement on the matter—citing only the liberal media—portrays George Soros's ally as a "brilliant orator" (Le Monde), "one of the world’s leading human rights advocates" (CNN), and a "high-ranking diplomat" (The Guardian).

Conspicuously absent, however, is any mention of how Pressman, during his tenure in Hungary, repeatedly and egregiously violated the country’s sovereignty in ways incompatible with his ambassadorial role. He openly supported Hungary1s left-wing opposition and their pro-migration, pro-war policies, interfered in the independence of the judiciary, promoted gender ideology against the expressed will of Hungarian citizens, and continually attacked the Hungarian government.

But these activities of the so-called "high-ranking diplomat" have significantly escalated diplomatic tensions and contributed to the deterioration of U.S.-Hungary relations.

The statement also highlights - as a significant achievement - Pressman’s involvement with numerous NGOs "committed to advancing international human rights," naturally emphasizing those linked to George Soros — such as the Clooney Foundation for Justice and the now-defunct Not on Our Watch, which Pressman co-founded with Clooney.

Furthermore, Jenner & Block refers to Pressman as someone who "has led cutting-edge national security and human rights litigation, representing victims of terrorism and dissidents targeted by authoritarian regimes."

This statement likely stems from his prior legal work, during which the disgraced ambassador was one of the architects of the firm’s national security and crisis management practice. Notably, Pressman and Jenner & Block were involved in a legal battle between the Saudi government and its former intelligence chief. This murky affair saw an exiled Saudi intelligence official and his family embroiled in an international dispute with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, effectively becoming pawns in the kingdom’s efforts to repatriate the former spy chief, Tuzfalcsoport reports.

I look forward to working alongside our talented, multidisciplinary teams to help clients stay ahead of emerging crises and navigate their most significant legal and strategic challenges worldwide,

 – Pressman declared in the firm’s announcement.

But what exactly are the crises and legal challenges Jenner & Block is involved in?

According to its website, Jenner & Block has been "a pioneering champion" of controversial issues such as LGBTQ equality and the rights of detainees—causes that have, at times, provided lucrative opportunities for Hungary’s left-wing legal circles at the expense of the Hungarian state. The firm is also an active player in abortion rights litigation. In January, for example, it challenged Idaho’s pro-life law restricting abortions.

Given these connections, it is hardly unsurprising that the firm receives accolades not only from the international left-wing press—such as Bloomberg and the Financial Times—but also from prominent figures within the Soros network. Jenner & Block has been recognized by organizations including the aforementioned ACLU, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation.

NAACP, one of the oldest and most influential civil rights organizations in the United States, focuses on "fighting racial injustice by building Black political, social, and economic power" and addressing issues affecting "Black America." The organization is continuously supported by George Soros’ foundation, receiving $15 million in "general support" in 2019 alone.

Meanwhile, the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation—providing legal assistance to organizations tackling social and environmental issues—counts among its partners the Ashoka NGO, a frequent beneficiary of OSF funding, as well as the World Economic Forum, which has extensive ties to Soros.

Jenner & Block’s client list speaks for itself. Among its clients is Princeton University, which is financed in part by the American speculator. In 2021, its board of trustees received nearly $1 million as part of a joint project with the Open Society University Network, an initiative dedicated to advancing 'global higher education.

David Pressman has returned home. And while he failed spectacularly in Hungary, he has nonetheless received his reward from George Soros and his network for his efforts to undermine the Hungarian government, reads the analysis.

Cover photo: Former U.S. Ambassador David Pressman (Photo: AFP)

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