Elisabeth Dieringer: Trump’s Success Shows That Change Is Possible!

Elisabeth Dieringer, a representative of Austria’s FPO and the Patriots for Europe group, believes that the EU’s political elite will find it increasingly difficult to maintain the isolation of right-wing parties. The Austrian politician recently attended an event in Brussels hosted by MCC, where the debate focused on the topic of political exclusion. “Unfortunately, the same system is still in place,” Ms. Dieringer told our newspaper, although she noted that some changes have become evident in the political landscape, particularly since Trump took office.

2025. 02. 13. 10:46
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Elisabeth Dieringer, a representative of Austria’s FPO and the Patriots for Europe group, says that the practice of cordon sanitaire - aimed at isolating right-wing parties like hers - continues to persist in political and media circles.

Unfortunately, I don’t see any major changes yet. The same system is still in place: if we win elections, the political elite and the media try to ignore us and refuse to accept the results,

– the politician stated.

According to Ms. Dieringer, left-wing political circles continue to try to control public discourse and censor those who challenge the dominant narrative.  – “Now that the German elections are approaching, the situation has worsened. Our opponents are trying to dictate even the language we use, deciding which words we can and cannot say,” she added.

Regarding cooperation within the Patriots for Europe group, Ms. Dieringer explained that while the member parties have different national interests, their shared core principles create a strong alliance.

National sovereignty is our top priority. We don’t want to impose uniform policies, but we seek common solutions while respecting each other’s differing views. If a nation chooses to take its own path on a particular issue, we accept that as well,

– she explained.

Ms. Dieringer emphasized that the group is well-organized, using strong communication and a highly prepared staff.

 – "It’s clear that they're afraid of us, because we are well-structured and continue to grow," she stated, pointing out that in just six months, the Patriots for Europe have become the third-largest group in the European Parliament.

The conversation also touched on Donald Trump’s election victory and his first decisions after taking office. According to Ms. Dieringer, the U.S. President’s actions strengthen right-wing parties in Europe.

Trump is implementing policies that we have only been planning to implement so far. For instance, in the interest of protecting women’s sports, he's made it clear that men cannot compete in female categories. It may seem like a small issue, but it carries enormous significance,

– she explained.

Ms. Dieringer believes that Donald Trump’s success proves that change is possible.  – “This gives us strength as well. The American people have made their choice, and that decision must be respected. The same principle also applies to Europe: Austrians will decide for Austria, not Brussels,” she emphasized.


Cover photo: Elisabeth Dieringer (Source: Facebook)


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