Frank Furedi: Brussels Remains Suspiciously Silent About Poland

According to the latest report, the rule of law in Poland is in serious jeopardy, but Brussels remains silent. Frank Furedi, executive director of MCC Brussels, told Magyar Nemzet that the EU wields the concept of the rule of law as a political weapon while turning a blind eye to transgressions when it comes to its own political allies.

2025. 02. 01. 12:19
Frank Furedi, Executive Director of MCC Brussels (Source: MCC Brussels)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Concerns about the state of the rule of law in Poland are growing. According to MCC Brussels latest analysis, the new government aims to dismantle democratic institutions, particularly targeting the independence of the judiciary. The report highlights that long-standing democratic rights are gradually being stripped away from the Polish people, and the establishment of a one-party system is underway.

Frank Furedi, executive director of MCC Brussels, believes that the European Union applies double standards when it comes to the rule of law.

In Poland’s case, Brussels remains silent, as if there’s no problem at all. Some even smile as the Tusk government dismantles opposition,

 he stated.

According to Furedi, the EU does not defend the rule of law on principle but wields it as a political tool.

It’s a cynical game: the goal is for the European Commission to install its own people in the governments of various countries and to silence independent voices, 

he said. “Hungary has also fallen victim to this strategy. Over the past decade and a half, Budapest has increasingly defied Brussels’s political dictates, and the EU cannot accept that.”

Furedi believes the only solution lies in conservative forces banning together and continuing the fight within the cultural sphere.

One of MCC Brussels’s main objectives is to build a strong intellectual network across Europe that can resist EU interference and preserve national sovereignty,

he emphasized.

Finally, the expert warned that if current trends continue, Poland could become a modern-day colony where decisions are made not in Warsaw but in Brussels.


Cover Photo: Frank Furedi (Source: MCC Brussels)

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