Zelensky Would Have Been Better Off Asking Viktor Orban for Help

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky repeatedly rejected Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's attempts to mediate a ceasefire. Zelensky believed he could reach an agreement with U.S. President Donald Trump without assistance—until reality proved otherwise.

2025. 02. 21. 10:30
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Zelensky turned down Orban’s offers to broker peace and mediate with the new U.S. administration on several occasions.

Visszaütött Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök fellengzőssége Donald Trumppal kapcsolatban
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's pomposity towards Donald Trump backfires (Photo: AFP)

Only strong allies can be mediators, the Ukranian leader stated in July.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban has no influence over Vladimir Putin, and Ukraine doesn’t need his mediation in relations with the United States,

 Zelensky declared during a December address at the All-Ukrainian Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.

We are a strong country, and we have proven that on the battlefield under Putin’s aggression. Does anyone else in Europe have this kind of experience? No one. Does Orban have such an army? No. How will he pressure Putin—with a joke, a smile? He should keep that to himself... Orban’s ‘somehow, something’ approach won’t work. I won’t let him or anyone like him handle this,

Zelensky added.

In December, when Orban sought a Christmas ceasefire, Vladimir Putin showed openness, but Zelensky flatly rejected the offer in a notably disrespectful tone.

We hope Orban at least won’t call Assad in Moscow to listen to his hour-long lectures... No one should boost their personal image at the expense of unity; everyone should  focus on shared success... There can be no discussions of the war that Russia wages with Ukraine without Ukraine,

Zelensky posted on social media.

Throughout, Zelensky insisted he had an excellent relationship with Trump, confident in their cooperation on implementing Ukraine’s "Plan for Victory."

I think we have a common view that the war in Ukraine has to be stopped. Putin can't win. And Ukrainians have to prevail.

 he said after a September meeting.

In a January press conference, Zelensky voiced support for Trump’s desire to achieve a just peace but stressed that could only happen with Ukraine’s involvement, as Russia "does not want to end the war." He also noted Europe should have a seat at the table:

I’d like the European voice to be present. It’s important to us since we will be EU members. But I can’t say what the structure of the negotiation process will look like yet, as we lack a joint plan,

Zelensky stated, mentioning Ukraine’s Peace Formula and Victory Plan.

Yet, Zelensky’s rapport with the US president seems less solid than claimed. Trump labeled him a dictator for refusing to hold new elections despite his term’s end and banning opposition parties. Additionally, despite Zelensky’s demands, Trump began talks with Russia to end the war without involving Ukraine or the EU.

Cover Photo: Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine (Photo: AFP)

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