Anyone Who Thinks Ukraine Can Join the EU Is Mistaken

The European Union can only admit a functioning state; a country where organized crime is highly prevalent should not be allowed to join, security policy expert Istvan Gyarmati says in an interview for Magyar Nemzet, warning about the risks of Ukraine's EU accession.

2025. 03. 09. 11:09
Ukrainian and EU flags in front of the European Parliament building in Brussels, February 24, 2025 (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Gyarmati emphasized that Ukraine, in its current state, is not fit to join the EU due to numerous issues that are incompatible with European standards.

Ukrajna hadseregének létszámát a háború után csökkenteni kell
Ukraine's army has to be reduced after the war (Photo: AFP)

If Ukraine joins the EU, it cannot be corrupt, and there cannot be a vast amount of uncontrolled weapons circulating within the country. Until these issues are resolved, Ukraine will not be accepted,

he stated. He added that one of the fundamental requirements for EU membership is stable governance, which must be ensured before accession.

Throughout the Russia-Ukraine war, Ukraine received an enormous amount of weapons from its Western allies, some of which have disappeared without a trace. These weapons could resurface in other EU member states. Gyarmati warned that controlling the flow of weapons and eliminating corruption could take a long time—if it is even possible at all.

The Challenge of Reintegrating War Veterans

Another significant security issue raised by the expert is the reintegration of soldiers who have experienced war.

In a war, soldiers must act according to completely different moral and legal norms—killing the enemy is considered an achievement. However, once the war is over, this practice becomes a crime. This issue must be addressed following the end of the war,

he explained.

This million-strong army will have to be reduced after the war, transforming it into a smaller, civilian-political-controlled force of a few hundred thousand troops,

the expert emphasized.

Organized Crime -  Another Obstacle to EU Membership

Ukraine has long struggled with significant levels of organized crime, which have only intensified in recent years.

The EU can only accept a functioning state. A country with a high prevalence of organized crime should not be allowed to join,

Gyarmati noted.

Resisting Political Pressure for Ukraine’s Admission

According to the security policy expert, one of the biggest dangers is that the EU, due to political pressure, might accelerate Ukraine’s accession without the country implementing the necessary reforms.

The question is not whether accession happens in one, two, or ten years. This can only be discussed once Ukraine meets all the criteria,

he stated.

Gyarmati emphasized that Ukraine’s EU accession presents numerous challenges, and the European Union must ensure that membership strengthens the stability and security of the bloc rather than introducing new risks.

Many fear—and I believe this concern is not entirely unfounded—that due to the war threat, Ukraine could be hastily admitted to the EU without meeting the strict accession criteria. This is a real danger that must be firmly resisted,

he said.

We can only enforce reforms in a country while it is not yet a member. Once it becomes a member, this becomes much more difficult. Trust should not be given in advance—only once the necessary reforms are implemented should a country be admitted, no matter how long it takes

Gyarmati concluded.

Cover photo: Ukrainian and EU flags in front of the European Parliament building in Brussels, February 24, 2025 (Photo: AFP)

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