The Okotars Foundation, linked to George Soros' network in Hungary, supported Kriszta Bodis' You Belong! Foundation (Van Helyed a Kozos Jovonkert Alapitvany) in both 2015 and 2023, providing a total of 19,828,606 forints. Initially known as a gender activist, Kriszta Bodis appeared at the Tisza Party's February congress as Peter Magyar's social policy advisor. Her foundation first received 12,233,166 forints in 2015 from the Norway NGO Grants Program and then 7,595,440 forints in 2023 from Brussels' Our Common Values Program - In Development.
The latter EU funds were primarily used by the bureaucrats to finance Soros's network in Hungary. The European Commission launched the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program in 2021, allowing NGOs to apply directly for funding.
Soros's network aimed to use these funds for its own goals. To achieve this, George Soros and his organizations heavily lobbied in Brussels to ensure that they could utilize the vast majority of the funds, as established in the report by the Sovereignty Protection Office in January 2025.
Regarding the program’s beginnings, the report states: "During the planning phase of CERV, on February 23, 2021, nearly two hundred organizations—many with ties to George Soros—sent a letter to European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova. Among the signatories were Marta Pardavi (Hungarian Helsinki Committee) and Veronika Mora (Okotars Foundation). Their call urged the Commission to rely on the 'extensive experience' their organizations had gained and to adopt their 14-point recommendations. The letter called for the program's creators to distribute CERV funds primarily through consortia, similar to the mode used by the Norway Grants Program."
Pro-migration gender activist
It is worth recalling that Kriszta Bodis, a key figure in the Hungarian LGBTQ movement, supported the same principles as Peter Magyar's party even before taking a role in the Tisza Party.
Following her short story Csipke Jozsika, which promotes homosexuality, she is now writing a book about Peter Magyar. In addition, she takes a positive view on migration and regularly joins initiatives that oppose the patriotic government.
As Magyar Nemzet reported in an earlier article, in February, the Tisza Party attempted to elect Kriszta Bodis as president of the Budapest Social Public Foundation in a closed session, but the Fidesz-Christian Democrats (KDNP) faction blocked the move.
"We should pay more for energy!"
The gender activist, who is one of Peter Magyar’s closest confidants, already spoke out against utility cost reductions in an interview last spring, when the leader of the Tisza Party was just about to start his political career. She argued that people should pay more for energy.
"Just think about how utility cost reductions shape people's mindset, making them believe they have the right to pay less for energy. And if you pay less, it's considered a good thing. But sometimes, paying more for something is actually a much better thing," Kriszta Bodis stated, making it clear that she believes Hungarian families should pay more for energy.
The pro-migration activist also revealed why she is convinced of this: she believes it is good for people to pay more because it aligns with reality, as there is no infinite amount of energy. However, due to low prices, people will feel the opposite.