Exposing NGOs' Covert EU Influence

A thorough investigation is needed into the opaque funds spent on pseudo-civil activities, participants agreed at Wednesday's joint event organized by the Patriots for Europe EU Parliamentary group—which includes Fidesz—and the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) Brussels office. Fidesz MEP Csaba Domotor, spearheading the effort to map out the hidden EU influence of pseudo-NGOs, claimed that over ten thousand Brussels contracts could be involved, including some with media companies.

2025. 03. 27. 11:24
Symbol of the European Parliament (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.


The Brussels elite is funneling millions upon millions to support liberal and leftist causes—not through legitimate civil organizations but through activists engaging in political battles against democratically elected governments. This is antithetical to democracy. We demand transparency,

declared Domotor. The Patriots for Europe group filed 86 data requests in Brussels, yet the EU’s directorates refused to release the information on various grounds.

Why? What are they hiding?

asked the Fidesz MEP, who is determined to uncover the covert contracts. He also urged ordinary citizens themselves to make inquiries of the European Commission, as they also have the right to access such information without needing to be elected officials.

Frank Furedi, executive director of MCC Brussels, shared his own experience from a 2011 conference, where a representative from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations proudly commended how Soros-backed NGOs helped overthrow Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. However, when Furedi pointed out that these moves did not necessarily serve democracy or the will of the people, the response was evasive.

A recent MCC Brussels study titled “The EU Propaganda Machine” examines how the European Commission uses the civil-pseudo-civil sector to spread its ideology and silence EU-critical voices. The study highlights programs with positive sounding names such as CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values) as tools for this agenda. For example, in Hungary, the Okotars Foundation (Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation) NGO received €3.3 million (about 1 billion HUF) from Brussels in 2022 alone.

Jacob Reynolds, policy director at MCC Brussels, highlighted his personal favorite from among those examples mentioned in the study: European Movement International, led by Belgian liberal politician Guy Verhofstadt—who is notorious for his anti-Orban stance—received €6.3 million from CERV.

"NGOs should have no connection to governments—let alone corruption," said Elisabeth Dieringer, an MEP from Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO). She posed a rhetorical question:
"Has any migration-skeptical think tank ever received public funding? Anywhere?"

Fidesz MEP Andras Laszlo argued:  

these so-called NGOs should be called 'NNGOs' (Non-Non-Governmental Organizations), as they often represent foreign state interests or harmful corporate agendas.

Laszlo, in his role as government commissioner, is investigating how the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has been channeling political funds into Hungary.

Hungary’s Office for the Protection of Sovereignty reported on Wednesday that its ongoing investigation found at least 23 billion HUF (approximately €60 million) in American and EU funds were used for political pressuring in Hungary between 2022 and 2025. This funding primarily benefits the Hungarian opposition’s circles, which are aligned with the U.S. Democratic Party and the EU’s liberal mainstream. The report specifically names organizations like the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, whose narratives are later echoed in EU institutions to argue against the Hungarian government.

Cover photo: Symbol of the European Parliament (Photo: AFP)


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