PM Orban Announces a Global Sensation + Video

The government is securing the future of Hungarian families for decades to come.

Forrás: Facebook2025. 03. 18. 9:52
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"We are implementing the largest tax cut in Europe—indeed, in the entire Western world," Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a video uploaded to his social media. He stated that the move marks a new chapter in the economic history of Hungary, as the country will establish the world's first family-centered economy.

Under the new policy mothers with one child will be exempt from income tax until the age of 30, and mothers with two or more children will not have to pay income tax for the rest of their lives. "This is a global sensation by any measure. With this, we are securing the future of Hungarian families for decades to come," PM Orban declared.

As previously reported, starting January 1, 2026, mothers under 30 years of age with one child will also be exempt from personal income tax. The prime minister explained that while they hope the policy encourages more births, the primary goal is to ensure that mothers who choose to have children do not end up in a worse financial situation than those who choose not to.

Cover Photo: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)

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